
  1. Shaycres


    I'll cut to the chase. Found my sweet, 13ish week old leghorn in a stock tank (just in time...?) She is conscious but very weak. She keeps nodding off but I won't let her because I fear she won't ever wake up again. She is currently making a weird noise and jerking her head a bit. Please help...
  2. Nicgable

    HELP! Air Cell Depleted after Internal Pip??

    Hello! First time Hatcher here. I have three very healthy and very active Pekín duck eggs that are on day 24 of incubation. I had my first internal pip about 24 hours ago. The air cell was large - about 1/3 of the egg. After waiting 24 hours and no external pip, I performed a quick candling to...
  3. A duckling's near drowning and the issues that followed...

    A duckling's near drowning and the issues that followed...

    I am writing to basically give some general information on a duck situation. Over the last month and a half or so I have done research online and sought information regarding a duck I have who has presented with some pretty odd behavior. We...myself and a knowledgeable member here on BYC...have...
  4. theVulture

    HELP! Chick fell into water

    My father accidently dropped a chick into water. Chick is dry but lost its balance easily, skin is pale, veins in the leg is visible and slightly lost her appetite. What should i do to help her? I suspect she got water in her lungs
  5. C

    Silkie in Water Trough

    We found our Silkie in the horse water trough tonight. Not sure how long she had been in there; long enough she had an egg though. I don't have a hair dryer, so we are trying to warm her up/dry her off with towels and a heater in our bathroom. The most concerning thing is it looks like she has a...
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