duck genetics

  1. Waddlewoods

    Would you call this a Lavender Runner Duck?

    I'm unsure as to what this colour is called. It was suggested to me that it may be Silver but upon googling it looks like Silver runners are more similar to the colouration of a Welsh Harlequin. Any insight would be appreciated. I've also added some cute pics of her as a wee duckling...
  2. Haileebird

    Muscovy duck colour question

    Hi folls I’m wondering about pairings, duckling Colours and so forth. Tick, my drake, is a lavender I believe (I suppose he could be silver as well?) Tock, one hen is sitting on eggs from him. She’s a chocolate pied - what colour ducklings will I get? I got a second duck, Casio. I’m unsure...
  3. Duck Diva

    Ancona duckling hatched completely yellow, now changing color?

    I’ve seen from other posts that it is possible for anconas to be completely white. Here is my question: What is going on with this duckling? Totally yellow when hatched,? Now feathering out darker from the tail forward. Is this a mutation or normal color Background information: parents are...
  4. cheezenkwackers

    What is your guess of duckling coloration?

    I have ten, fertile duck eggs which are ten days along in my incubator for a friend. His hen, who laid the eggs, is a White Crested. The drake, is my half Khaki, half Appleyard, named Salsa. I know there is a 50% chance of a crest. Also, assuming the White Crested doesn't carry a brown...
  5. katefollot

    What are the original flock sources for the Ancona?

    Do they all end up tracing back to Holderread? I saw somewhere in the Ancona Duck facebook group a mention of Ancona's being around on the United States east coast in the 1930's even though it's said they were only brought over from Britain in the 1960's. So that's one puzzle. Beyond that, I...
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