duckling feed

  1. lavendermarie

    AniMed Brewers Yeast for Ducklings?

    I found and bought this AniMed Brewer’s Yeast for my ducklings for niacin as we are feeding them unmediated chick starter. I’ve been using nutritional yeast the past week or so that we’ve had them, but I’m about to run out. I saw on the tub after purchasing that it was for dogs and horses, so I...
  2. lavendermarie

    Yeast to Chick Starter Ratio for Ducklings?

    I recently got some new ducklings, but they store was out of duckling starter. So, of course, the next best option was un-medicated chick starter and nutritional yeast. Now, I have looked this up so many times and for the life of me I can’t seem to find the ratio of nutrional yeast to the chick...
  3. H

    Should I be adding water to my ducklings food?

    Please help me! I have been feeding my duckling starter chick feed and some websites say I should be wetting it in order to stop them from choking on the food. Should I be wetting his feed? He is about three weeks old now.
  4. Goosey Girl

    grinding Mazuri Waterfowl Starter?

    Anyone ever put some Waterfowl Starter in a food processor to feed tiny ducklings until they are big enough to eat the mini-pellets??? Just looking at all options.
  5. Puddingtheamericana

    When do I lower the protein for my ducklings?

    i have 2 ducklings, both 2 weeks old now. we bought a 22% protein starter grower for them and they’ve been eating it for the past 2 weeks. I read that ducklings need 18-20% protein (22% was fine for me) for the first 2 weeks and then at 3-8 weeks they need to switch over to feed with a protein...
  6. A

    Would this feed work for 3 week old ducklings? I can’t seem to get anyone to answer me on this question. Would this feed work as grower feed for ducklings? It...
  7. dude with the ducks

    Duckling Grower Feed?

    I was wondering what would happen if I used 22% starter/grower feed for the first 7 weeks with my ducklings? I know your "supposed" to feed 22% for first 2 weeks and then 17% until they start laying. Or what would happen if I used a "layer" crumble that is 17% from weeks 3-first egg? I know that...
  8. MarlyMonster

    What to feed quails and Muscovy ducks?

    Hi lovely people! Newbie here! I’ll be hatching some little ones for a personal research experiment and while I’ve gotten pretty far on reading about how to hatch babies, I’m not sure on what to feed them once they hatch! I’m hatching quails and Muscovy ducks, so I’d like to know what people...
  9. J

    Wild duckling help!

    Hi there! My partner brought home a duckling he found all alone in a paddock today and I have never raised birds let alone a duck and I'm so scared it'll die! I've heard they can die quite easily! I currently have baby chicken crumble which i have soaked in water, cat food biscuits also soaked...
  10. muscovy573

    Duckling Feed Question??

    Hey all, First off the ducklings are all doing great! The ones in the pen are LOVING the grass and area to run around in. The other little ones are eating like crazy and growing so fast! Now to my question: When do I need to convert the big guys to a different feed? They are still on chick...
  11. carlyducks

    Duckling/duck food questions!

    Hi! I will be getting two female ducklings May 2nd. I have been getting mixed information on which feed ducklings need and for which weeks. I am mostly hearing this: 0-3 weeks 20 % chick starter/grower 3 weeks -laying maintenance laying- layer, obviously is this accurate? I also wasn't sure...
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