egg color genetics

  1. Cloverr39

    Are my silkie's eggs too dark for a silkie?

    Silkie eggs are supposed to be white or cream according to the standard of perfection. My growout pullets just started laying and the eggs look a bit too dark for a silkie to me. What do we think? Now I'm not sure if the girls laying these are my own bred girls or the ones I bought as hatching...
  2. M

    Confused - black copper maran laying sage colored egg

    Hello! This spring I purchased what I thought were 7 olive eggers, 3 mystic maran, 3 brahma and 2 americuanas. What I've ended up with are 2 black copper marans, 1 of which is a rooster, and 8 french black marans. However, the black copper maran hen is laying a sage colored egg and the french...
  3. juci

    Creating Easter Eggers with Salmon Faverolles question

    Hi everyone! I don’t have much experience breeding chickens yet, I’m just getting started. But I was wondering about the genetics of Easter eggers. Im hoping to get into breeding salmon faverolles as soon as I can get some chicks I like. I have 3 whittings true blue female chicks that I’m...
  4. Alixzandrah

    How to tell egg color

    I’ve been trying to research how the genes of the chickens affected the egg color. I know you need brown and blue to to make olive egger etc etc but I’m confused slightly. So if I have a black mottled orpington roo and Easter eggers (she looks like an amerecauna lays blue eggs) and olive eggers...
  5. H

    Any guesses on egg colors these greys lay?

    Hello! I have a handful of grey girls in my coop, they could be a mix of silkie, amaracauna, leghorn, Brahma and some mutts. Just wondering if they’re colorful layers or tan/brown egg layers! Some of them have poofy cheeks and some don’t, not sure if that makes a difference. Thanks for any help!
  6. H

    Beautiful tan egg!

    Hello! I recently bought a mixed flock of birds and one started laying this beautiful tan egg color, placed next to a white for reference! It’s not a typical brown or green egg, just wondered if anyone knew what crosses or breeds would lay this color? It’s my favorite! Thanks for any info...
  7. FoodFreedomNow

    My Girl's Purple Egg

    One of my ladies, an Easter Egger from a green-laying EE x BCM, laid the egg on the far left. BCM egg from the sire's line and a pinkish-brown egg from her sister included for contrast. Love that bloom! 💜
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