egg safety

  1. A


    Summary: I have 19 chickens that have mites and intend to dip them in permethrin and have questions regarding the situation. If you wish, skip to MY QUESTIONS at the bottom. Also, my qualifier is not meant to be rude, but I am looking for experience and help and knowledge. Not opinions, not...
  2. K

    Cause for Concern?

    I've had 2 of my girls meet their demise quite mysteriously this summer. After the first, (a fluke?) I just read up on the myriad of ways there was no telling what exactly killed her. I don't have the cash or availability of any place for a necropsy. Yesterday, another 3 yr old in my shrinking...
  3. NinjaGamer2022

    Are non-pasteurized quail eggs safe to eat after power outage?

    I was storing my quail eggs in the fridge to keep them from getting broken and a few days ago there was a power outage after a serious storm. The power came back yesterday and I was wondering are they safe to eat or should I toss them? Thx,
  4. S

    Egg without bloom?

    I added four hens to my backyard coop. I am not sure of their breed. The farmer said they were a hybrid and they are docile. They are about 1 year. We are offering organic layer feed. We were told they may not lay for a few days due to stress, however we have gotten a few eggs. The eggs appear...
  5. R

    Quail eggs and hot weather.

    Hopefully this isn’t a already answered question, but here it goes. It’s been really hot lately. Upper 90s for a few weeks. I usually collect my eggs (non fertile—no males in coop) every late afternoon. However some days I can’t get them for at max two days because of bad storms. Is there like a...
  6. ForestAlice

    Eating Eggs? (Egg Safety Questions!)

    I've had my three city girls for about 4 years now. We started raising them solely because I'm a huge bird person- and I was in a really dark place at the time, and they were the perfect therapy. My babies have been adults for quite awhile now- and they've been laying steadily their whole lives...
  7. NoodlesMama

    Is this egg safe?

    I found an egg in my run this evening. I suspect it may be Noodle's first egg since its a bit smaller and lighter than the eggs laid by my only other hen that has started laying. I checked for eggs this morning and admittedly could have missed it since it was tucked up close to the door but it...
  8. ShrekDawg

    Safety of buried eggs?

    So this is kind of random and I’m sorry if this isn’t the right place for it but I couldn’t find an answer for it by Googling or searching the site so I thought I would ask here.... and also sorry if this isn’t the right category, I wasn’t really sure what category it should be but it kind of...
  9. Happyville

    How long to wait to eat eggs?

    My weirdo red sex link hen has suddenly taken a liking to home improvement in the form of eating the peeling white paint off my door trim. It's a white latex paint that is several years old. None of my other chickens before her did this. I let my girls free-range in my very large yard, plus I...
  10. brunhildachick

    Water Contaminants

    We are on well water, and recently the powers that be lowered the threshold for a particular contaminant (1,2,3-TCP, an ROC) so now we are about 3 times the acceptable limit. We have a fridge filter that removes it just fine, but our chickens are still on straight well water. Does anybody know...
  11. carissang

    Eggs in soiled bedding for 2 weeks safe to eat?

    We use deep litter method and went out of town for two weeks. Our house sitter did not turn the bedding or collect eggs as agreed. So we returned to a mountain of eggs buried in very soiled, damp ammonia stench bedding. Are these eggs still edible or would they absorb bacteria in these conditions?
  12. PistolPeak

    Smelly chicken

    Hello everyone! New to BYC and the city chicken life, but have received some solid advice on my chickens so far. I brought home by brood about a month ago from a swap meet, learned my lesson on that one real fast. I got a 16 week old silver Ameraucana, and a cream legbar and a Rhode rock- both...
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