egg turning

  1. talkinboutchickens

    Egg turning and humidity/temp questions in incubator

    Hello I was just wondering what everyone's favorite temperature and humidity is in order to get the most successful hatch rates. There are so many mixed results out there on the internet that I am just not sure at all which temp/humidity levels to go with! I've read somewhere to go with 60%...
  2. Just Rosie

    Turning Eggs at Odd Hours?

    Hello again everyone, As I (im)patiently count down the days until my first clutch of the year hatches, I am eager to start another. I predict this year is going to be great for breeders. I have another reliable incubator, only normally I manually turn in this bator, as its turner is rather...
  3. CajunFeatherz

    Zero turn/ not turning eggs?

    Has anyone out there ever successfully done a zero turn hatch (where the eggs are incubated without turning)? I know there is the one specific article that exists, which is very compelling. I also looked through the threads a bit but haven't seen much on the topic from firsthand experience. I...
  4. Clucker86

    Janoel 12 Incubator

    Hello I have just got a new incubator a Janoel 12. Has anybody had any experience with this model? it has an auto turning motor but I am yet to see it turn how often should this turn the eggs? should it be constant or every 24 hours or a set time?
  5. yborchickproject

    How do I turn other eggs during lockdown?

    Hello all! This is my first time trying to hatch a clutch of chicken eggs. I believe they are bantam-mix. The first two eggs the hen laid were on the same day, and are set to go into lockdown on August 2nd. My question was, how do I keep turning the other eggs that aren't ready for lockdown...
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