enlarged crop

  1. woodlandd

    Impacted crop?

    I didn't realize that the feeder was empty for a while and one of my chickens gorged herself on food when I refilled it maybe 3 hours ago. She looks almost like she's gagging while her crop moves up and down. Her crop itself is enlarged and hard, but she's acting fine besides that. I've given...
  2. S

    Large crops, but happy hens?

    New chicken owner question! I noticed this week that both of my Colombian Rock hens (5 months old) seem to have really large crops compared to my other birds. They are both active, eating and drinking, and come running for treats. The crops feel soft, not lumpy, similar to the other birds, and...
  3. D

    Bulging crop hard, chicken lethargic

    I have a buff orpington hen, the smallest of the bunch, who got into a bag of whole corn, possibly alfalfa pellets and grit I think. The day after, her crop was massive and hard. Today she is less lethargic but seems to have a similiar size crop. I don’t want to do surgery!! Is there a solution...
  4. cluelesschickmother

    4 week chick near death!! Heat stroke?!

    HELP!!! One of the new 4 week old black silkie chicks seems really weak and near death. She doesn't move much when I touch her or pick her up and had her wings stretched out and legs splayed in the brooder before I grabbed her (eeek!! thats what happened to our last one before it died!). Worst...
  5. cluelesschickmother

    Malnourished chicks!! One DEAD, help!

    I am new to BYC and dont know if my last post was in the right place, sorry if you are seeing this twice. I will preface by saying that I am really screwed up... I start with the story of what happened and end with my plead for help. We purchased two three week old splash silkie chicks to...
  6. cluelesschickmother

    Starved chicks... one dead and one with enlarged crop!!

    I will preface by saying that I am really screwed up... I start with the story of what happened and end with my plead for help. We purchased two three week old splash silkie chicks to add to our flock of juvenile silkies from a wonderful small local hatchery. They supplied us with what we...
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