eye bubbles

  1. P

    Single ongoing eye bubble; anything I should worry about/can try?

    Hi ya'll, I've got one 2+ year old Orpington. She's lowest on the pecking order and very much smaller than her sisters. But, her sisters have had some sort of infection go through the flock from around November until two weeks ago - mainly showing up as sour crop - we also had a few shell less...
  2. M

    Tri S antibiotics

    A couple questions. 1. Will this work for the bubbly eye probably coryza, and do you withdraw eggs with this antibiotic? Thanks in advance!
  3. Z

    Hen's Eye with Pus

    Hi! I have 4 young hens (about 3 months old) and my sisters noticed the other day that one of them had a reddish pimple near her eye. I was chilling with them today and her eyes had like a whitish pus/bubbly thing? I'll insert a picture. She's acting normally and eating like normal. Only weird...
  4. duckduckgose

    ducks having eye problems!

    hi all, so I'm in New Zealand I keep a largeish flock of ducks, many 20 or so, and recently I've had a couple get something wrong with their eyes the first one over a month ago, who is largely recovered now although it appears to have left her blind in one eye. and a new one in the last week or...
  5. Cloverr39

    Rooster with bubbles in his eyes, possible respiratory infection

    I didn't know hoe to explain it. My almost 12 month old silkie roo has had these bubbles in the corners of his eyes for a while, but it was always a very tiny amount. Today I noticed it was more than usual. He also doesn't have it every day. I think his poop is a bit more watery as well. (At...
  6. veery67eggy

    watery bubbles in eyes, possible MG?

    Today I noticed my light brahma (in a flock of 6) has watery eyes with small bubbles at the corners of both eyes. She hasn't laid in the last few weeks (though it's also winter in upstate New York), and is otherwise completely herself. She happily goes for treats, eats, drink, has no issues...
  7. Duckmom239

    Sick bantam hen….

    Hey everyone! So a week ago my bantam hen started sneezing…so I quarantined her..then a few days later I noticed her eye started looking very strange….now today it’s not looking good at all. And it’s seeping out white pus…I put ointment in it yesterday and been giving her vitamins and...
  8. L

    Eye lid pulling away from eye in 16 week old chicken

    My Americana chicken recently recovered from a respiratory infection of some kind (bubbly eyes, scratching at his head, and runny poop). He/she was and is still eating and drinking well, but does seem a little lethargic. Also, not sure if related or not but he’s recently started smelling oddly...
  9. BrahmaMom1797

    Polish hen with bubbles in the corner of one eye! Help!

    Hello all, I have one polish hen who has had her eye injured pretty recently. It seems to have healed fully but I just grabbed her to check her and her eye is a little swollen and has very very little bubbles in the corner of her eye that was injured. I don’t have a photo since she’s active and...
  10. TheTexasChickenGirl

    White Froth in eye

    One of my salmon Favorelles has white froth in her eye. Wondering if someone knows what this is??? Her eye is usually pretty foggy, does that mean she’s blind? She doesn’t flinch when I come up from that side either, and she’s a very skittish bird.
  11. janaedwards

    Swollen eye

    Good morning y'all! I have a hen who is one year old. She has a swollen gland under her right eye that comes and goes. It is always, even when not swollen, more white than her other eye. She is a bit thinner than the other chickens, but other than itching, she acts just like everyone else. She...
  12. HarleighHesse

    My chickens are sick with something I havent had before

    Hey everyone. My name is Harleigh. I live in Canada and have been keeping chickens since 2007. I've got a small flock of 13 birds, mainly silkie. About 2 weeks ago my white rooster started getting bubbles in his eye. Then it started getting stuck shut and If have to wet it to open in. The mucus...
  13. R

    Bloody discharge from Easter egger’s eye

    Hey everyone! I picked up two 3 month old Easter egger girls last weekend and everything has been great until today I noticed one of my girls’ eyes was covered in blood. If you look closely at the pics, you can see 3 bumps around the eye (top, bottom and back) her other eye is normal and she is...
  14. meltedcow

    EYE PROBLEM - Any information would be appreciated!

    Hello! New to BYC and looking for some advice. I have six laying girls. They are 1 1/2 yo. About 4 weeks ago, Coconut (white brahma) had a swollen eye. Waited a few days because I thought it might be a pecking accident hoping the swelling would subside. They eye was still swollen and started...
  15. sjeastling83

    2 sick Buff Orpingtons 1+ yr old

    I have 2 girls, bff’s Rory & Phoebe, that have clear nasal drainage, cloudy/bubbly eyes and one of them has nasty yellow eye drainage in one eye. I noticed the Rory’s eye about a week ago, but she only had 1 eye that looked a little swollen and she was keeping it closed. I assumed there was...
  16. LemonyCatapult

    Has anyone seen this eye issue before??

    my year old hen is acting completely normal but has this eye issue. Any guesses/ remedies?
  17. K

    Eye Bubbles

    Yesterday I noticed the left eye of my 5 week old Bielfelder, “Tender” wasn’t looking right. It appeared a bit red like it was irritated & she closed it when I was holding her. I administered drops of sterile artificial tears last night & twice so far today. However, I just noticed some bubbles...
  18. lg2006

    Swollen eye

    Hi Guys, I’ve got a sick chicken :( this happened in the last 24-48 hours. It’s been raining a ton here so I wasn’t outside with them as much as usual. Today I saw Cinderella looking shabby and being too docile, almost seemed dizzy when walking. Upon further inspection I see her eyes are...
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