eye problem

  1. P

    4 wk old Faverolle looking worse and worse...

    I have a 4 week old Salmon Faverolle that arrived through the mail along with other mixed chicks looking and acting a bit "off." She would kind of lurch around and looked unbalanced and had an eye that appeared a bit puffy. I assumed she would improve and it was largely a result of the...
  2. bradyaveblooms

    Eye Injury in Week Old Chick, please help!

    Hi all! I’m new to BYC, however, I’ve been looking up amazing advice here since 2014. We are a family of four and like many, started with 6 chicks and ending up with 20, lol. Well, last week we received our first ever shipped chicks, 16 of them (to meet the minimum of course). We ordered...
  3. B

    Eye problem with chick

    Hi, I have a 10 week old Maran chick that has developed an eye problem. It was noticed two days after the chick was introduced to sleep in the main coup so I'm not sure if it is a result of being pecked at by the older hens. The problem was noticed 4 days ago and the attached pictures are taken...
  4. Artichoke Lover

    Is it Mareks?

    I discovered that one of my roosters has an very oddly shaped pupil today and upon doing some googling Mareks is the only thing that is coming up..... None of my flock is currently showing classic symptoms of unsteadiness or weightloss but about half are not vaccinated. They are all between 9-21...
  5. francine

    One eye closed and wheezing

    Hi, My 5 year olds hen seemed fine yesterday morning but by mid-day she was hiding under the house. When I finally got her out, she was gasping for air and kept her left eye closed. It has been very rainy and wet for a week and yesterday was the first warm sunny day, so I thought she might...
  6. S

    My chicken has a feather in her eye....

    My Salmon Faverolles has gotten a feather wedged under her eyelid, towards the back of the eye. She keeps the eye shut, but it doesn’t seem like it’s causing her pain... we just weren’t sure if it was a good idea to try to restrain her, and get the feather out ourselves...or we should take her...
  7. UpstateMamma


    I have a 2 yo buff Orpington that has a swollen face around her right eye. It came on in a matter of hours, she was fine when I let them out in the morning yesterday, then in the afternoon it was swollen. I gave her .5ml children’s Benadryl yesterday, along with some antibiotic ointment on the...
  8. NorthernChick1

    What is the cause? I'm a terrible duck mom :(

    I was wondering if anyone new the cause of my muscovies eyes to be this way. would it be caused by chicken pecking? when im outside with them i see that the chickens are interested in pecking her face. I had her in the house for three weeks during the cold spell but since ive brought her back...
  9. lil bird lady1

    Broody hen squinting one eye.

    I have a broody hen whose hatch date is Feb 11th and shes been eating and drinking just fine she hasn't been sneezing or breathing funny. She just has one eye squinting and looks like she cant unsquint it. Her other eye if just fine
  10. OZ-farm-MS

    Squinting, swollen & lethargic chicken

    One of our usually happy, healthy chickens has taken a turn, and is very sick! Please help us if you can as we don't have much experience with sick chickens... The chicken's behaviour/ problem: Yesterday was squinting and moving slowly, preferring to stay in the chicken coop than come out to...
  11. Laura Lees

    Chick with milky eye

    About 10 days ago our Koekoek chicks hatched! One was very slow to pip, and eventually a day after all the rest were out, this one started cracking the shell. It cheeped weakly, so I zipped the shell to help it along. It was very weak and cold, but survived the first day. It struggled to keep...
  12. MrSpace

    Brown/Yellow Muscous in Eye Ended Up Being a Puncture

    This is our first flock and Pecking Order just took on a whole new meaning. One of our Barred Rocks we had taken to calling "Loner" because she was rarely with the others. On Friday, she disappeared completely for hours when the flock was out in the yard and we assumed the worst, but luckily...
  13. PennysHennys

    Eye problem in 19 wk old pullet

    One of my chicks did not come out of her house this morning and as I observed her she had her left eye closed! The right eye was just fine. No crusts, bulging, or drainage but she seemed confused. I left to get the hospital cage and when I returned she was out in the pasture under a cart they...
  14. ReseisCL16

    Rooster Eye Swelling...?

    My Rosecomb rooster, Octavian, just got over an anemia episode. He seems all right now (he's perky and alert and is now crowing a little more), but his eye is still funky. I haven't noticed any problems with it before he had anemia, but now it is swollen and puffy. It seems to irritate him...
  15. J

    Hen with swollen eye, yellowish mass covering cornea, oozing clear slimy fluid.

    Hen has a swollen eye, yellowish mass covering her cornea, oozing clear, slimy fluid. Seems painful to her when I try to clean it. Any help in identifying what would cause these symptoms, and treatment advice is much appreciated.
  16. reagansymone

    Eye Problem

    Hello! I work at an animal shelter in between a suburban and rural area. We've been getting more and more chickens in lately, and today we got one in with something wrong with its eye. She's a bantam (I think either an old english bantam or a dutch bantam). We don't know how old. Her right eye...
  17. strawberricatt

    Help! Duck Lost An Eye!

    So 3 days ago I was going to monitor my duck nests, but one was empty so I looked for the mother. I found her... In the creek with one eye missing and the other badly damaged. She can see slightly but not well, she's eating and drinking fine. Her nest was under a bramble bush, so I doubt a hawk...
  18. R

    Baby Chick Problem

    I have an 11-day old RIR who has recently started having issues. It seems to be not growing as quickly as my other birds and almost acts blind (bumping into things, walking over other chicks as if they weren't there etc.). Its right eye lid will open but remains shut and its left eye is open...
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