
  1. brandy6375

    One of my chicks is twice the size of the others...

    Ive been raising chickens for 5-7 years now and this year I've had a first. Not sure if I should be concerned or not. So I got four day old chicks from the farm store, mow two weeks old. 2 Black Australorps a Isa Brown and a silver laced wyandotte. The issue is one of the Australorps is...
  2. Diveks

    Lazy or obese cockerel?

    Im not sure if this cockerel is lazy, obese, or has some kind of condition. He is a brahma cockerel so he is a big breed. But i have realized he is a bit rounder than my other brahmas (they are pullets though). I have felt that he sits down an awful lot. He would pant a lot too even if he is...
  3. Isadora

    Anyone have an rfid cat feeder?

    I have 3 indoor cats. Two senior kitties who are both on the skinny side and one 5 yr old fluff monster named Talaat who is overweight. He's 15 lbs. I have always had dry food out for the cats in the past and never had an issue but Talaat is clearly eating too much. My initial thought was to...
  4. S

    How much fat is too much?

    I want to formulate my own chicken feed. I've been looking into and reading about chicken nutrition, mainly the publication "Nutrient Requirements of Poultry: Ninth Revised Edition, 1994", chapter 2: Nutrient Requirements of Chickens. This seems to be the most easily available to the public...
  5. A

    Duckling can’t walk

    Hey there. I’ve got two 3 weeks old ducks and since two days ago one of them can’t walk properly. This happened suddenly. I went to the vet and the doc gave me a B3 vitamin complex. She’s on day 3 of treatment and is doing a little bit better but not as good as I expected. She can swim and seems...
  6. AxelCoon

    Extreme 1 year weight loss

    Alright well this is me absolutely destroyed by my first cardio training ever; 23.12.2017 And this is me today, 23.12.2018! How did I do this? Well I'm glad to share my story with you if anyone's interested!
  7. C

    Abdominal fat in old layers

    I just culled four birds that were no longer laying, and I am wondering to what extent their abdominal fat played into it. A friend gave them to me- they had come from a stationary coop/run and were put into my mobile coop/run. They were feeding them twice a day, it sounded like, and I'm in the...
  8. st4rgut

    Chicken Butchering: Too much fat?

    Hi, we just killed a buff orpington that had only been laying soft shelled eggs and noticed it had a lot of fat inside. At the same time, we noticed several eggs were forming in its ovary, and were wondering if the chicken's fat had something to do with its inability to create fully formed eggs...
  9. M

    Long skinny poop

    Hi All Thank you for this awesome site. I have had many of my wondering answered here and on need to ask my own question. There was a thread about this (long skinny poop) elsewhere but it seemed to come to an end with minimal contribution and no apparent resolution so I have started another...
  10. C


    As you can see, Gordo is quite bigger than his brother chick. I didn't know that Cornish broilers got so big when I initially bought this one but now I feel so bad. He gets so tired he can't walk and sits down often and has hair loss on his bottom. Is there anything I can do to help the guy lose...
  11. amberrenee

    My Orpingtons have chubby feet. Are they ok??

    Ok.. so I live in Indiana and the last month has just been rain off and on. Horrible cold rain. Soggy chickens. Flooding. It's let up this weekend. I check my chickens feet all the time and I noticed 2 of them (orpingtons) had chubby feet. I think they were always chubby but it seems odd to me...
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