
  1. paradisepentacoop

    ...Australorp with color leakage? Give me your opinion on my friendliest hen chick <3

    As the title suggests, I have a very lovely little lady, Shio, in my flock who is not feathering out exactly as expected, though I still find her perfect in her own way. I ordered two Black Australorps from a local hatchery. I have noticed a large variation in breed standards of birds from...
  2. AJ916

    Possible Golden Sebright?

    I ordered a bantam assortment of all feather legged from Ideal Poultry awhile back. I also added four EE bantams to the order so therefore technically the ONLY clean legged birds I should’ve received aside from extras would be the EEs. I received all my feather legged birds and three confirmed...
  3. woodruffles

    Lavender Marans cockerel not roosting -- painful foot feathering?

    We have a 16 week old Lavender Marans cockerel who likes to start his evening on the roost, but I popped out last night and confirmed that he sometimes (often?) switches to the bedding. He is a bird we've mistaken for dead a few times because he likes to lay down on his side and sleeps deeply 🤣...
  4. T

    Hatchery Growouts

    I’d love to start a thread with pics of what everyone’s ACTUALLY getting in their grow outs purchased from different hatcheries. Let’s start with anyone who has purchased silkies from mypetchicken.com
  5. YellowRoseFarm

    Welbar Chick Feathering Out Differently

    Hello, This set of chicks is nearing the 5-week mark, so I don't expect to know whether I have acquired any cockerels with any measure of certainty. But I'll put it out there anyway, if for no other reason than for the sake of posterity. I have 3 Welbar chicks, and because they're...
  6. B

    Ursula or Ursuhim?

    I know everyone keeps saying that chicks have to be at least 6 weeks old before you can tell their gender. However, I have one sweetheart named Ursula and they are just soooo much different than their counterparts. They turned 4 weeks old this past Monday. I have 7 Brahmas altogether and...
  7. S

    Newbie on in home brooding

    Hey. I am very new to the chicken scene. I have 3 Rhode Island Reds. 2 Porcelain dolces, 3 Silkies. I have them inside the house brooding. I’m wondering how long can I wait before moving them outside? What’s the best way to move them out? Do I throw them out cold Turkey or give them shifts...
  8. kurby22

    How slow is typical for slow feathering??

    So I know that each bird is different and they feather at their own rate...but how slow is too slow or is there such a thing? I got 4 chicks at the same time that are all within a day of each other age wise. I believe they’re approximately 3.5 weeks old. I got two lavender Orps and two BLRWs...
  9. Kiariana

    Muscovy Ducklings- Growth from 1 week to (eventual) adulthood

    I wanted to create a timeline of my Muscovy ducklings growing and feathering out, and to share my pictures with everyone ;) We got the ducklings May 21st and were told they were a week old. Probably give or take a couple days, I didn't ask the exact date of hatching. Week 1: This is the first...
  10. Table4Six

    Female Call Duck Getting Drake Feathering?

    I have a silver appleyard call duck hen who is a little over two years old and lately I’ve been noticing changes in her behavior and as she’s been molting her feathers are looking more like a drake’s than a hen’s. She also hasn’t laid an egg in over a year. The change has been the most apparent...
  11. Henry&Friends

    When should chicks be moved outside? When are they feathered out?

    I know they should be moved out when they’ve feathered out. But how do you define “feathered out”? Two of my chicks are about ready (from my previous experiences) and three are less feathery, but no longer downy. Could you explain (pictures help, I’d Like to see and hear when they’re ready) when...
  12. MasterOfAllChickens111

    Girl or Boy? Mystery✨

    This is “Lydia” and Liam. “Lydia” is on the left and Liam is on the right. My question is what gender is Lydia? She grew a lot of her feathers faster than her 3 brothers. They are 3 weeks old. He is already showing signs as a boy. I’m really hoping that “Lydia” is actually a Lydia.
  13. Cookiesmith77

    Jersey Giant wing development??

    I have 4 jersey giants 3.5 weeks old. 3 of them look normal and seem to be getting their feathers in nicely however one of them appears to be having some wing feathering problems. I’m looking for someone who can tell me if this is normal. The first 2 photos are of my JG with normal wing...
  14. Jjdesmo11

    Bantam slow feathered and sleepy

    Need advice on my new bantam. Last week I bought 2 Millie Fleur Cochin bantams. I drove an hr and after taking them out of the box I noticed the frizzle was falling asleep. And “gasping”. Thinking it was heat or stress related I took them inside. The lady said they were 8 weeks and they still...
  15. haizley-k-chicks

    Chicken genetics book?

    Hey everyone! I’m new to the chicken world and I find chicken genetics to be super interesting but also confusing. I’ve tried doing research online about genetics of feathering and egg shell color but sometimes I read opposing statements on different websites. My question is: does anyone know of...
  16. 3clucks

    What mix could my hen be?

    I just got into chickens about 8 months ago and had a friend who gave me a chick at the time. They said this chick was a silkie, but as she’s gotten older and feathered out her feathers aren’t like normal silkie feathers they are straight and not as “hairy” looking as other silkies I’ve seen on...
  17. HauptsHenHouse

    Sizzle Feathering

    First time hatching sizzles, purchased eggs from a hatchery and had them shipped. I am curious to know how soon you can determine the feathering type? They are only 4 days old and right now they’re all little fur balls ❤️
  18. B

    Silkie chicks feathering in smooth?

    So I received my chicks yesterday from a breeder. I’m confused with how some are feathering out, some have the typical fuzzy tips but some have smoother feathers growing in on the wings. I’m confused did I receive some satin silkies? I’m rather new to silkies and I was hoping these aren’t...
  19. IMG_4634


  20. Poultry Genetics (Egg Color, Feathering, Inbreeding, etc)

    Poultry Genetics (Egg Color, Feathering, Inbreeding, etc)

    GENETICS (Egg Color, Feathering, Inbreeding, etc) Kippenjungle's Chicken Calculator is a handy tool for anyone wanting to learn how genes interact with each other! Chicken Quest Gene CALCULATOR CLICK HERE Poultry Genetics for Exhibition Breeders CLICK HERE Poultry Genetics For Small and Backyard...
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