fecal float test

  1. At Home Fecal Float Test

    At Home Fecal Float Test

    I recently found this very clear and informative webpage that gave instructions on preparing a fecal float. I was intrigued, as I had only seen people saying you had to send off your samples to a lab. I have never treated or treated for worms in my flock, and as I have my own microscope, I plan...
  2. Broken Fox


    I found this company the other day and thought I would share the information for those that are unable afford an expensive vet visit. They do fecal floats and have lab services for parasite diagnosis. http://midamericaagresearch.net/instructions.php
  3. ChickenyChickeny

    how much does it cost to have a fecal test (for chickens)

    how much does it cost to have chicken feces tested by a vet for worms? is it expensive or cheap or what its called a fecal float test I think
  4. Relleoms

    At Home Fecal Float Testing

    Hi All, If I were to purchase equipment to perform basic fecal float tests at home for worms & coccidiocis, what would I need and is it practical? My vet is an hour away and I’d like to treat for these conditions only if needed without having to drive so far to drop off samples. Thanks in advance!
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