
  1. Bethanyann2515

    Chick from local feed store. Wondering breed?

    So we brought home 2 lavender Orpingtons from my brother's farm. Unfortunately, there was an accident and we lost one. I have a 6 year old autistic step son who would be devastated if he found out.. I ran to the local feed store and purchased this little guy because it was grey in color and he...
  2. JoshuaBurke

    Look at the chicks!

    I took this video when my feed store had first started selling chicks for this year. I hope y'all enjoy the video.
  3. C


    CAL Ranch Does Not Support Backyard Chicken Farmers - Please Boycott Them I know you poultry enthusiasts are busy this time of year, so I'll try to make this as brief as possible, but I think the story needs to be heard. It is important because we have so little freedom left in this country...
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