first time chicken hatching

  1. TattooedChickenPapa

    First time hatching, hatching with a broody hen instead of incubator.

    Okay, so I have a Serama I gave 6 eggs to (all have survived thus far🎊🥳) and are due this weekend. I. Am. A. Nervous. Wreck. Obviously I have been reading, doing research, watching YouTube videos, and reading threads on here but I'm so happy, and excited, and utterly terrified/worried. I'm so...
  2. J

    First time hatcher needing advice

    I've had chickens for the past 7 years, 3 americauna in 2018 and then 4 silkies last year in 2022. (First chicken to pass was one of the americuanas from ascites at 6 years old, we relocated one of our silkies cause 3 out 4 turned out to be roosters, and just last week I lost my precious...
  3. Eggsandbeyond

    First time egg layers and first time hatching!

    2 out of my 5 pullets are starting to lay finally! It's been about 2 weeks of laying every day to every other day. I was going to wait until next spring to incubate some, but I am just way too excited!! Is it too early to try hatching them? I want healthy chicks, of course. The rooster has...
  4. ChickenNuggie

    First Time Hatch & Egg-topsy: My Story

    We were given an incubator as a gift since we couldn’t afford to buy one ourselves. It’s not a high-quality incubator, and it appears that we have had problems with keeping temperature and humidity steady. The external temperature read out is Celsius and does not seem to match the thermometer...
  5. J

    First time broody hen - first time chicken owner - help?!

    Hi all - I am a first time chicken owner and I had no intentions on hatching chicks but one of my hens had other plans. I’m sorry for the long post ahead but I’m trying to give as much info as possible to get an answer. If it helps, I live in New Zealand (Northland) I can’t be sure but I think...
  6. Mamahenbliss

    Need advice 7 days after hatch date

    Hi! I’m new to hatching eggs and need some advice! I’ve never done this before, So everyday we write the dates on the eggs left them in the coop ( I do not have an incubator). I have olive eggs so they are dark and I could not see if they are fertile. Today the egg was marked 7-22 so it was...
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