first time hatching

  1. TattooedChickenPapa

    First time hatching, hatching with a broody hen instead of incubator.

    Okay, so I have a Serama I gave 6 eggs to (all have survived thus far🎊🥳) and are due this weekend. I. Am. A. Nervous. Wreck. Obviously I have been reading, doing research, watching YouTube videos, and reading threads on here but I'm so happy, and excited, and utterly terrified/worried. I'm so...
  2. RaisingDucks2020

    Hatching eggs

    My mallard is starting to lay her nest of eggs.. one of my ducks kicked out 2 eggs so far. I did some reading and it sounds like they are "dead" eggs? .. i gathered them up in hopes maybe they arent "dead" eggs and I can hatch them my self? How long can you keep them in the open without a...
  3. Oldhallchicks

    First time hatching eggs!

    Hi guys! I’m new to hatching and BYC. I’m like a first time mum with eggs in my incubator! I needed a place to share my chicken excitement because even my husband and kids aren’t as excited as I am about our new chicken family! I’ve got 5 speckled Sussex eggs from eBay, 5 Brahma (3 light 2...
  4. Trimurtisan

    Trim goes all in: A hatching adventure!

    Mahalo ladies and lads of BYC! Welcome to my first hatching! If you are not familiar with my antics, feel free to stop on by and do some catching up at The Quack Shack! If antics are not really your thing... Don't I guess. ;) Q: What's Trim got going on besides 3rd person labeling? A: 24...
  5. ojust4today

    HELP..First time hatching.

    I am in desperate need of help. When this happens this site is usually the place I end up going. I know here I can get some of these random questions and concerns I have answered. So I have one hen sitting on a half dozen or so eggs and a turkey who is sitting on if I had to guess 30 or so...
  6. Jennifer A

    Hen rejecting her newly hatched chicks

    I have a Black astralap who is hatching her first clutch. So far one of the 5 eggs has hatched. She was off the nest to eat and it is trying to follow her and she was ignoring it. It's pretty weak. Once she got back on the nest, I put it back with her and she kept pecking it. So how do I help...
  7. Seasonmomma

    First Time Hatching - Homemade Incubator

    I’m super excited! I finally am getting some hatching eggs, after being on here for nearly four years! I decided I’d make my own incubator, which I’ve been testing for months. I made it out of an Omaha Steaks styrofoam cooler, a 3.5” computer fan, a 40watt clear bulb with a dimmer switch, an...
  8. orangesplash


    This is the first time I am going to use an incubator. I got the BRINSEA MAXI 2 XE. Now i need to know how to set the turning and humidity and temperature to? Please PROs i need your help.
  9. skidoolady

    St Patrick Day Hatchalong!

    My first crack at incubating- went in this afternoon! If all goes well we’ll have some little chickies for St.Patties Day!
  10. J

    Hatching Baby Indian Runners

    Hi All, I am very new here and have wanted ducks for the longest time. I'm buying some fertile Indian Runner Duck eggs soon to be incubated. I have heard something about turning the eggs in the hatcher up to five times a day? Is this correct? I know chickens are twice a day so this really...
  11. D

    Day 29 runners just had first pip!

    So out of the 5 fertile eggs in the incubator, one died at around 18 days and one so sadly at day 28 (eggtopsy showed he was a perfect full term yellow ducking, I was heartbroken, what could have happened?) have pic but wasn't sure it's appropriate to post) But the exciting news is as of
  12. StrivingForBetter

    Hatching lav orps and blr wyandottes

    This is my first hatching and I was able to get these eggs semi-locally (a couple hours to drive to get them). I began incubating them (a dozen of each breed) on the 7th with a couple forced air homemade incubators. One incubator is perfect and stabilized at 99.5 thanks to a computer fan and...
  13. AndreaKash

    Shattering eggs at around 21 days (hen sitting)

    So this is the first time we have had one of our girls go broody. I didn't collect eggs for a few days and we found one of our Isa Browns sitting on a LARGE amount of eggs. We decided to let her do her thing and candle the eggs in a week to make sure there were no bad ones. On Thursday I got...
  14. Soulpatch59

    First time with a little broody Nankin

    Hi all, Marie Antoinette is a first time broody, and I'm first time support staff! Day 19 is Friday, so tonight I intend to move her into a spacious crate. She has 4 eggs. She had a nesting box she's declined to use in favor of a drawer on the bottom of the cabinet that is their coop. I had a...
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