
  1. Jurassic_Bawk

    Sing an egg song for your first eggs of the year!

    Celebrate the first eggs you are getting post-molt or from new chickens with me! This is from my new Welsummer, her first egg. Look at that incredible BLOOM! I am so proud of my hens. Show me your first eggs!
  2. Little Cute Lily

    My duck started laying eggs at 4 months old

    Hello! You can skip to the end of this paragraph for my two questions. Here is the background information. So I have a Khaki Campbell duck who I call Alfalfa. She laid her first egg at 4 months old. Is this normal? Every article I read says khakis start laying at 5-7 months old. She has been...
  3. HorsesRMe123

    Chickens Started Laying Eggs!

    What a happy few days it’s been! Our two White leghorns chickens have started laying. We’re still waiting on two others to lay but it’s been a great few days! Finding your first eggs is not like any other! It’s such a joy!!! Stella and Vanilla are our two White Leghorns who started laying on...
  4. D

    The Wait is agonizing!!

    I have 6 BO pullets at age 18 weeks. About three are scrawnier, with bright red waddles that have developed quite a bit, and do a squat when I pet them sometimes. The others are bigger pullets, and from my understanding, won’t be as good of egg layers. Any tips/prep, things I should be doing...
  5. Sussexandwhiterocks

    Woot woot!!!

    Finally got my first egg from one of my white rock girls! I’m So proud of her! Lol. The feeling of starting a chicken from an egg and then it finally laying an egg herself is such a rewarding thing.
  6. RevlisRemmah

    Countdown to the first egg. Buckle up, it could be awhile....

    As of October 5th, my 15 pullets are 18 weeks old. I also have a cockerel from my MIL who is 2-4 weeks older. I am (im)patiently waiting for my first egg. In the meantime I’m going to post a profile for each of my chickens. One a day. Hopefully it will help the next 16 days go fast and maybe...
  7. Dwarf rooster

    How to make a nest Diy

    Take a blastic box 2 put grass (litlle bit)
  8. earth_toes

    GUYS! It happened! It finally happened!

    Our first EVER egg from our 'Tina' (Dominique)!! We thought it was our RIR, but we caught Tina in the act on Sunday giving us our second egg and singing. We are beside ourselves! 19 weeks and 6 days seems like eternity, but i tell you, this is by far the best feeling! My husband was working...
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