fly control

  1. F

    Fly larvae or worms?

    Found one single dropping with these little white larvae. Does this look like fly larvae or worms? I clean the run/coop daily so there wasn’t a ton to compare, but I didn’t see these on any other droppings, inside or outside of the coop. I do have pour on Ivermectin and feel comfortable...
  2. Sus_

    Netting for fly control

    We are working on fly control. There are environmental steps we are taking: Working to keep the run dry is our biggest issue since there was rain we also found a water leak which soaked part of the run. It has construction sand for the floor over concrete. It does seem to drain eventually and...
  3. Margaretlumley01

    Fly problems with donkeys

    Does anyone have any suggestions for fly control? My donkey is a bit of a special case I fear 😂. He gets really badly attacked by flies in the summer. I’ve tried multiple different fly sprays, I use swat cream, and Vaseline on his legs where it gets especially bad (they are raw from him biting...
  4. 0ddaudd

    Chicken Run Flooring (?). SO MANY FLIES !

    Hey ! So for awhile i was putting timothy hay at the bottom of my chicken run since they’ve eaten all the grass. But I live in Louisiana so it rains almost everyday, and the timothy hay was just getting muddy and smelly. So I decided to put some sand down as well. But the sand has appeared to...
  5. T

    Help. Flies and NO grass

    We have 5 backyard chickens in south Texas. They have an eglu coop & run (with extensions for adequate space). As first time chicken owners were coming across 2 problems that we haven’t been able to google ourselves out of and could use some help. We let them free range the yard daily (usually...
  6. ChickenPerson999999

    What’s the cutest chicken Breed?

    What’s a Cute chicken breed that’s somewhat small sweet and nice. It’s because I want a cute chicken that’s some what small sweet and nice and doesn’t fly that much/high. Comment what breeds you think are cute sweet and kid friendly.
  7. M

    Spalding Labs: Bye Bye Insects fly spray & Fly Predators?

    I just ran across and have been reading about their all natural Bye Bye Insects fly spray & Fly Predators. The fly spray sounds pretty amazing. They even go so far as to say that it works to keep nastiez away from dogs and people! Not sure how I feel about...
  8. TrixieBlue

    Fire Ants in my coop

    I was using wood shavings in my coops ( I have 2, one for chicks and 1 for ducks) because I was having trouble with flys, I did research and found the sand method which helped cut the fly problem in half. I did that about a month ago, last week I was changing out the feed and water dishes and...
  9. NineChickens

    Can fly veils fit under fly masks?

    I found a fly mask I like but it doesn't have ears. Would it be comfortable for the horse to put a fly veil under the mask?
  10. wallawu

    Fly control! Healthy Pen Spray

    With the Arkansas heat really kicking things up a notch, flies were becoming a huge problem. I live in a subdivision, so I try to keep my ducks happy so they're quiet, and clean so the neighbors aren't bombarded with flies. We do a lot of entertaining, so our back yard and deck gets a lot of...
  11. Sarae89

    Emptying your fly trap?

    Hi All, I've been using the starbar fly traps, which have been working great - but I haven't been able to empty them to reuse without the smell being bad enough to reach my neighbor's porch. :/ I live in the City, and have three ladies so I need to be conscientious of the neighbors. How do...
  12. Chickenchick11

    Easy Chicken Fly Spray - Natural + Safe

    With spring finally having officially arrived in my neck of the woods, :celebrate I figured I'd share with you all my super easy fly spray recipe. It's natural and non-toxic, unlike the flysprays that can be bought at feed stores. I use this stuff to detour flies around my coop, and spray it on...
  13. Lazy Farmer


    Remember the old song "I don't know why she swallowed a fly, perhaps she'll die"? Then a spider, bird etc.. Anyway, had a Lunch and had a can of soda with it a little earlier today Brought the can outside and did some farm stuff. Took a sip or two here and there. Got distracted and didn't...
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