foot care

  1. A

    Foot injury

    Hi, I have a chicken whose been with us for probably about a year and a half. Sometime last month I noticed a scab on her foot. Ever since I have been spraying it with vetericyn + poultry care but it has not been getting better. I was outside watching the chickens while I let them roam around my...
  2. B

    Bumblefoot or no?

    This was really hard to get a photo of, but it’s this normal looking?There’s a spiky texture to the bottom of her foot and a small soft lump in the center. Is it bumblefoot or something else or totally normal?
  3. Ronnie_

    Bumble foot treatments

    Hi all! Today was duck foot wellness check, and it seems all my ladies (3) have on at least 1 foot that has a swollen spot on the toe or foot with a small dark spot in the center (spot is very small about a pin head or smaller). Feet don’t feel hot and not red at all. I’m assuming this is...
  4. L

    Mystery Foot Disease: Ever seen this?

    Hello friends! My 7-month-old Ameraucana has been limping and in pain. I checked her foot, and it was splitting at the creases with flaky/crusty skin at the toes. The ankles are clear. It looks almost looks like a "chicken's athlete's foot." Things I've Tried: 1. Carefully debriding...
  5. C

    Injured chick foot?

    I have a 6-8 week old chick that I noticed had a couple of small nicks on its feet. on the middle toe knuckle. One looks like the scale already came off and the other the skin is still attached but visibly peeling. it is eating, pooping, and acting fine so far. Do I need to treat this?
  6. R

    What's this growth on my hen's foot?

    Hey...I have a problem. Cluckers has some growth on her foot. I'm not 100% positive what is it, but I think she has bumble foot. Is it something else or is it bumblefoot? I need to treat this. 😢 Also...whatever it is, how do I treat it? She got cut by something too. It's only on the bump. The...
  7. M

    Injured Foot

    My 1.5 year old SLW hen is limping and not putting much weight in that foot while on the roost bar. We’ve brought her in and soaked it in Epsom salts 2 nights in a row. Tonight she did not want to put that foot into the water. We’ve also used gauze to put chlorohexidine on it to clean. The pads...
  8. K

    Bumblefoot treatment

    My duck has been walking normally up until yesterday when I noticed she was limping quite harshly. It definitely appears she has Bumblefoot, she has the black scab on the bottom foot pad. I did an Epsom salt bath, and some skin peeled off and was bleeding but nothing was coming out so we sprayed...
  9. Tmartin7711

    Bumblefoot hard scab. Please help

    Hello all! My hen Fall has bumblefoot on her toe. Just noticed it today. She didnt limp at all or show any sign just a bump. I quickly put her in a Epson salt bath for 30 minutes then tried removing the scab. Then there was just more of it. I picked for about 45 minutes before it was getting to...
  10. C

    Foot problems

    One of my roosters seems to have some irritation of the side of one of his feet. I was really worried it was bumble foot, but I got a closer look and now I'm wondering if maybe the feathers that are growing in may be part of the issue. He and one of my other roosters were gotten from the same...
  11. Chickadee00

    Swollen feet

    Hello, my lady has swollen feet. When I got her a few weeks ago I made a mistake and didn't check her feet, she had scaly legs, which I've been treating with ballistol oil. They're getting better and suddenly today I see that her feet are swollen like this? Could this be bumble foot? Should I...
  12. 6

    Baytril 2.5% or 10% for Treating a Recurring Swollen Bumblefoot??

    I have heard many different opinions on whether to use or not use Baytril 2.5% or Baytril 10% to help cure a recurring and swollen bumblefoot. Question 1: Is Baytril SAFE for hens and, after a 2 week egg dumping/withdrawal period, can I eat the eggs from my treated hens? Question 2: If I...
  13. R

    Help! 6 week chick with leg/foot problem

    Hi everyone! Love this site, used it many times and finally made my own account. I have a 6 week old black sumatra that's developed a foot/leg problem. I can't seem to figure out specifically what's wrong. He limps a little bit but its not as noticeable when he's walking, more so when he's...
  14. DemeChick

    How do I treat a swollen foot that was tangled in a vine?

    Yesterday evening, I found my little polish rooster sitting under a bush. It was about 30 minutes after I had last seen him. As I tried to coax him out I realized one of his legs was pulled straight up behind him tangled tightly in a dead vine. I guess he was roosting in the large bush and as he...
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