
  1. D

    Cuteness overload

    Just wanted to share a few pictures of our four ducklings - now over 3 weeks old. These were supposed to be khaki campbells and at this point we have serious doubts whether any of them are in fact that ... probably rouens or some mix of all sorts. One of them has already started quacking a bit...
  2. I

    Wintering Free Range Ducks in Indiana?

    I have 4 ducks. This is their first winter. They free range. Always have. They do not use a coop at night. Pretty much do their own thing. They have access to food and fresh water all day long and virtually no predators. What should I do with them this winter? I live on a farm. There are lots of...
  3. Sjh115

    Do ducks need free range time?

    I am a first time duck owner and have only had my two girls since February, they were adults at the time that I got them. Their pen is a very good size and predator proof. In their pen they have a huge kiddie pool, shelter, a large tub for drinking water, as well as a mirror and balls to prevent...
  4. Campbellsduckies

    Duck killed by unknown animal

    (This may be graphic! Warning) So this morning I went out to feed my ducks and my poor, poor female duck was in front of my woodshed torn open, feathers everywhere, her neck was completely skinned and everything in her head was basically sucked out, but she wasn’t dismembered. Can anyone help...
  5. M5pekin

    Free Range Pekin Eggs -HELP my first week of eggs, so many questions

    So, my 2 female Pekin Ducks decided to start laying eggs this week! *Tear* they grow up so fast.. My problem is I have ZERO duck egg experience (zero egg experience period - unless we're talking from the grocery store). Anyways I have a few questions, but first, let me describe the situation...
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