frizzle chicks

  1. Y

    4 week old chick pecking out frizzle's feathers!

    Help. I have 6 chicks of various breeds in a brooder. 4 weeks old. All are fine except my darn easter egger chick is CONSTANTLY pecking at and pulling out my one frizzle chick's new growing feathers! The frizzle baby's feathers are of course different looking and stick out more than the other...
  2. KitKath

    What kind of frizzle?

    I feel like this frizzle looks a little different than all of the other Cochin frizzles I’ve had. What do you think? She has some very wirey wing feathers. They have some shades of black running through them and are very stiff. The feathers on her back are more curly than my others also. Was...
  3. Robynnlou

    Help me name my babies.

    I would love some help with my new sizzle babies. They’re currently just over 1 week old and I would really like to name them! I would love names that really suit how they look. I’m thinking one will be white and the other partridge? White perhaps more frizzle? What do you think of...
  4. Eifaust

    Frizzle Cochin Chick - any guess on gender ?

    here is my 3 1/2 - 4 week old frizzle Cochin Chick. Cockerel or pullet? I’ve been leaning towards cockerel but I’m brand new to the chicken game. Any input from experienced Cochin owners appreciated !
  5. Chronic Incubator

    Is my frizzle silkie calico colored?

    Hey there. This baby was hatched from shipped eggs and seems to be 3 colors. It's 3 weeks old. Is it a calico? Thanks for looking!
  6. 1AEFAE89-8F40-4519-AFE8-6A0AC33B9E11


    Baby frizzle.....I named her cotton
  7. 1F6EBDC9-FEC7-4D14-9BF6-ABA248B0C717


    What is this. She looks like she has a mohawk
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    What is this? I’m going to call her Pom Pom
  9. 5C60E057-A24B-4C1C-94C8-B3483DE71ABD


    Fixing to take a dust bath in her favorite feed bowl
  10. 972E8803-C6E3-4EA3-B36E-BE36DBBC9614


    This frizzle chick started out with a white chest and butt and I thought it would be black and white but now is turning solid black
  11. 708C6740-283B-465A-BBA1-08849611DB10


    Bubbles ..... getting so cute
  12. Walkbarefoot

    Hen or Roo?

    thoughts??? I have a gut feeling... but really hoping hen!!
  13. Walkbarefoot

    5 weeks.... Too early to tell?

    I have 2 frizzles that are going to be 5 weeks tomorrow... wondering if it is too soon to tell if they are hen or too? I really want them to both be hen!! First is the orange Second is the little black one? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  14. F

    Help Sexing Frizzle Chicks

    I have recently got frizzle chicks which are now 6 weeks old. Two of the frizzles already have curly feathers, while the third look like a regular chick. The curly feathered chicks are aggressive and peck at my other chicks. The largest curly feathered is significantly larger too. Does this mean...
  15. IMG_1952


    PopCorn, my new little Bantam Cochin Frizzle just hatched about 3 weeks ago. Just love her. She looks like a little ballerina running around in a tutu.
  16. IMG_1982


    Looks like we have frizzles
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