
  1. PeepingK

    1 week old chicks dying (7 deaths so far!)

    I have 22, 1 and half week old chicks that are suddenly dying. This past Monday we lost 6 and again 1 tonight. 2 others aren’t looking very good and might pass as well. Symptoms include gaping/gasping. Once the symptoms start it’s not too long before they die. Can anyone help me out? What...
  2. thunder21

    Is it safe to mix two medication in water?

    Im currently treating my chicken from coryza and I have water soluble powder of Sulfamethoxazole Trimethoprim and Tylosin with Amoxicillin. Is it safe to mix them in 1 gallon water?? I couldn’t find any information about this. Thank you so much.
  3. veggieduckz

    Choking or illness?!

    please help! Our favorite girl was making strange gaping movements and sneezing so we brought her in to monitor her. The gaping seemed to get worse with stress but ceased when she was relaxed/eating/drinking and has finally culminated in this movement which has gone on for about 20 minutes...
  4. K

    1 hen has Odd behavior

    We have one 10 month old hen that seems to sleep a lot more than our other 3 hens…and the roo doesn’t sleep enough!! She also holds her head and neck noticeably to her right (left in the picture) and gapes or seems to adjust her crop. (Video) we let them out of the 22x6 run into the backyard for...
  5. T

    Panting while laying, taking over an hour - first egg. Normal?

    UPDATE!! Nevermind, she laid her first egg and is fine now!! Whew! Do hens gape or pant when laying an egg? I don’t usually see our other 2 laying, so this is still new to me. But my 9mos old Welbar is currently separated from the others this past week, partly because my young roo has zero’d...
  6. Izzyisdizzy11

    Chickens gaping and shaking head

    I have two ISA Browns, roughly a year old, who have been previously healthy. Today I noticed both of them gaping consistently; is this a respiratory issue? As well as gaping, they keep shaking their heads, as if trying to get something off. Is this symptoms for a disease or am I overreacting...
  7. T

    Gaping, possibly sneezing. Help!

    I feel like I’m on high alert being a new chicken mama and after losing our ten week old girl about 2 weeks ago. After Mae died (vet and we weren’t sure what was wrong but I suspect Marek’s or Newcastle Disease. Truth is could have been any number of things). I started my other 4 girls on corid...
  8. G

    Help needed: gander seems sick, with severe gaping

    The gander was eating normally until yesterday (Aug. 4). Yesterday, he ate much less than normal (sudden loss of appetite) and had severe head-and-neck-forward gaping multiple times. Today (Aug. 5), he hasn't eaten much, either, and still has gaping. I gave him water mixed with Sav-a-Chick...
  9. Kibademon666

    Possibly avian flu?!

    So my whole dlock except one died yesterday- the remaining hen has black on her comb and wattles and is gaping.. what could it be? The rest of the flock never showed any symptoms we thought they could have died from heat- but its looking otherwise rn Here’s her comb and wattles These...
  10. E

    Silkie chick is gaping and straining neck ?

    I wish I could attach a video- these are the best pics I could take. My little baby silkie seems to be straining. She stretches her neck and opens her beak every 5 seconds. She sits very upright. Her only other brooder mate is another silkie chick that isn’t doing it at all. What could be...
  11. Goosebaby

    Open mouth breathing and stomach issues

    My gander Roxby is having issues again. He’s been off and on ill since March with some sort of recurrent neurological issue. As of August I seemed to have finally got a handle on whatever it was by treating him and the rest of the flock for coccidia and a gram positive bacteria “the vet wasn’t...
  12. S

    Chick shaking head and sometimes gaping

    Hi all, I have four 2-3 week old chicks, and two of them get into these head shaking episodes that bothers me! Then today I noticed one of them opening it's beak while resting and shaking it's head. I've read through the forums here but I'd really like to know if this might be just a natural...
  13. C

    Chicken stretching neck. Is this gapeworm (VIDEO INCLUDED)

    Here is a video of my 25-week old chicken. She only does this “gaping” toward the end of the day for around 15-20 times while sitting but then goes back to actively pecking and scratching like normal (she does not make any noise while doing it though). It started out a few days ago as a once a...
  14. R

    Runny nose, gaping and wheezing sound.

    Chicks are from one month to two months including two polish, two bantams, two buffs, two silkies. My bantams are alright. Both my polish are wheezing? With a little runny nose. My buff and silkie are smaller, the buffs have a runny nose and they gape when I hold them. The silkies don't gape but...
  15. J

    3 month old Icelandic pullet is lethargic, sometimes open mouth breathing

    Hi, I'm new here. Here is the lowdown on this poor chick: [YESTERDAY - day 1] The chick my first-time broody hatched in August isn't doing well. Less than two weeks ago she was still roosting with mom, occasionally still tucking under her, and this week I have found her in the run, by herself...
  16. HCBeck

    5 day old chick behavior

    I just noticed one of my Australorp chicks twitching her head and gaping. No noise came from her mouth. She is eating, drinking and otherwise acting normal except every so often she will do this. I have 8 chicks total and they have had earthworms twice in the past 3 days. Am I overreacting or...
  17. crazychickenladyinor

    Gaping Hen But Confirmed No Respiratory Infection or Gapeworms

    Hello! I have a 9 month old Ameraucana hen named Gladys that started gaping on Friday. No nasal or eye discharge, normal poop (green with white and good consistency), was still eating and drinking at that time. She free ranges on occasion but is primarily in the coop (10'x10' building) and run...
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