
  1. AJ916

    Black Splash??

    Okay so I looked to try to find an answer but I can’t! I understand some of the genetics of blue-splash-black but I’m still a bit lost. I purchased three silkies from a blue splash Silkie breeding trio. I saw the trio myself and they were in fact beautiful splash silkies. All three chicks I...
  2. Oldegarlicshnapp

    Need help planning blue barred/cuckoo genetics

    I’m a total rookie so please correct me where I’m wrong. So the idea is: • Male barred + female blue = female blue bar • Female barred + male blue = male blue bar • female and male blue bar = homogynous My bird of choice is the ko shamo. I know of a breeder that sells blue wheaten’s, but then...
  3. B

    Mystery Pullet-- Help with Color Genetics (groundcolor, English Orpingtons, facemuffs)

    Hello everyone! I raise pet backyard chicks and currently have 19 ranging from 5 months to 5 years in age. I have a few pullets that I can only guess as to what their colors & genetics are. I hatched them from my backyard flock, from my one rooster as the father. The rooster is supposedly...
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