genetic help

  1. R

    Rabbit Genetic Questions

    I have two rabbits that are each half American Chinchilla and half broken New Zealand. I bred them and ended up with mostly black babies and a couple broken. I also ended up with one REW. Can someone explain how this works? Because I thought that REW could only come from other REWs.
  2. B

    Mixed Orpington Pen

    Hi, I have a broody hen in a mixed orpington pen and curiosity. This is the first year we have had any roosters, so this is the first time they could hatch chicks! The babies will either be used for meat or kept for eggs - so the coloring is not especially important to us. We are very excited...
  3. redpandakitty

    OEG Bantam Color?

    I picked these 5 up from my local TSC. Based on the hatcheries my TSC gets their chicks from, I'm pretty sure they're OEG Bantams. 2 are Silver Duckwing pullets, 2 are Crele cockerels, (at least to my reckoning, I'm new to chicken genetics, so please correct me if I'm wrong), and I'm not sure...
  4. B

    Mauve orpington rooster breeding outcomes

    Hi, I have a mauve roo and hens in these colors: mauve, splash, chocolate cuckoo, chocolate. Hoping to get a couple more, including a black one. If I keep the roo and let them do their thing, what color baby chicks would they produce?
  5. Goosey Girl

    Genetics questions boggling my mind!!!

    :he I am a novice to genetics, but trying to make some sense of this. I have a goose (Miss Lemon) who came from a white Sebastopol goose and a Pomeranian Saddleback gander. Miss Lemon mated with a lavender Sebastopol gander (Onslow). If Saddleback falls into the gene category of pied (Sp or sp)...
  6. 6

    No typical roo tail feathers?

    I have a 5 month old Barred Rock Roo, which I bought from TSC. He has developed well…Just no impressive tail feathers yet! Will he ever grow a typical roo tail?
  7. Animal_lover4life

    Indian runner duck colors

    Hello, so I have a fawn and white runner drake, blue runner hen, fawn and white runner hen, and 2 chocolate runner hens. What colors would I get from the FW runner drake x Chocolate runner hen, FW runner drake x blue runner hen? I'm just getting into genetics for ducks so any information on that...
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