
  1. aziegler17

    Potato question!

    Just harvested my potatos. This is my first year trying potatos. They look like this. Are these still safe to consume? They have a wrinkle like appearance but are still firm. No soft spots. Any advice would be appreciated.
  2. C

    Questionable harvest method

    Hello fellow chicken lovers. I've got some roos we need to harvest and we're still new as we've only did this once before. My husband wasn't a fan of cutting the throat because the bird was looking at him the whole time which I agree makes it difficult when we're not used to this lifestyle yet...
  3. Pickles, Sour Dill

    Pickles, Sour Dill

    I love a good pickle! A sour dill pickle is my favorite. I stated making picked six years ago when our first garden provided and abundance of cucumbers. I've worked on my recipe each year. I really like what we have been making this year and thought I'd share the recipe. First, I grow Boston...
  4. Madamegato

    First Cull! (No pics)

    Hello all! TLDR: I butchered two of my layers tonight who were tormenting my younger girls. They were killed cleanly and easily and are now resting in fridge camp for a couple days before they move to freezer camp and then a stew pot. My first slaughter! The long version! We started keeping...
  5. A

    Harvesting Question

    So I have discovered a rooster among the 6 pullets I had purchased. I have also discovered a male guinea of the 3 I have left from the 4 I purchased along side the pullets. The guinea has now taken to attacking the rooster whenever they are in the same section of their confinement (indoor or...
  6. P

    To cull or not to cull

    Hello , we are first time chicken owners. We are getting ready to process our Rainbow and Australorp roosters this weekend and we have one gimpy Rainbow hen that we were wondering if we should process as well. She has a defect or injury she has been living with where she hobbles around and her...
  7. Sbevi

    Chickens harvested potatoes

    Maybe this is something everyone knows but I couldn't believe it. While harvesting my potatoes the chickens were very interested in my digging and all the bugs and worms that were being turned up. I left them alone for about an hour and when I came back every potato that I had missed, almost 30...
  8. D

    Looking for a chicken processor in central Maryland

    Hi-- Does anyone know of a chicken processor near Anne Arundel County, Maryland? I have a few roosters to harvest and lack the time or equipment to process them myself. My daughter wants to keep the feathers if she can. I imagine that somebody who processes waterfowl could do it, or somebody...
  9. Ra_

    The birds love the Comfrey!

    I planted the root cuttings on July 6th. The earliest ones broke ground in 11 days. All came up within 2 weeks. Here they are in 3 gallon grow bags 6 weeks after planting the roots. I took the 3 smallest plants and they are now in big 10 gallon pots. Fertilized with aged chicken manure. Before...
  10. oregonkat

    Anyone else have a serious reduction in orchard fruit this year?

    My orchard is young, this is year 6. I have almost no fruit on my trees this year. Last year my pears and my apples were heavy, well not heavy, heavy but with enough fruit to need thinning. This year I have probably a third of that? I am afraid that our bee/pollinator populations must be...
  11. MamaHen11

    What common meatie ailments do you see?

    Hello all! I'm about to start harvesting my first batch of meaties (Rainbow Rangers, then Grey Rangers later). I know some of them breathe heavily, but it seems like it is from the weight they lug around, rather than an infection or defect. They do sneeze right when I first put food down, but I...
  12. RUNuts

    Thanks to all - first butcher day complete

    I want to express my appreciation for all the folks who offered advice, opinions and encouragement on this list. We hit 16 weeks with our DP Barred Rocks and the coop was getting tight and hormones raging with the soon-to-be-hens. So the deed is done. I find it interesting, we have some...
  13. RUNuts

    Harvesting hens for meat

    I'm confused. What is the age to harvest meat hens? Hens because I live in a neighborhood and I don't know what I'm doing. If the weight to feed starts dwindling after ~14 weeks, this makes sense. I won't buy additional feed for little benefit. If the broilers (if ordered will be from...
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