
  1. talkinboutchickens

    Hatch-along coming soon!! Mixed breed edition!

    Hey fellow chicky nerds!!!! I've always found hatch-alongs super fun and I finally decided, well, I should do one! I am doing a semi-large batch so that a lot of people can contribute! I am not going to be keeping them, if any, maybe 1 or 2. But hey, it will still be fun to name them and see...
  2. KathiQuacks

    January to February 2024 Duckling Hatch-Along!

    Hello everyone of BYC! :frow I already have names in mind, but feel free to root for an egg, if you’d like! :jumpy Around 5 weeks ago, I got two new hens for my lone drake, Cherry. One of the hens, Caramel, has laid a nice stream of eggs ever since. I decided to incubate, and after some days...
  3. Debbie292d

    Silky hatch-along and OdoBan on eggs experiment

    I have 28 eggs set. :jumpy Come join my first-ever hatch-a-long! 18 silkie eggs were shipped and arrived this morning. 10 more are my silkie eggs and are part of an experiment. 18 SHIPPED EGGS KEY: B = Buff, C = Cuckoo, P = Paint Below them: O = 5 were soaked in Odoban disinfectant for 60...
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