hatching day

  1. athomas718

    Eggs in Lockdown

    Hey guys, My daughter is hatching her second batch of eggs and we have the incubator in lockdown now. We have 12 eggs, and so far 8 of them have started wiggling. One has pipped externally. We are super excited for our second batch of backyard mutt chicks. So I just wanted to start a...
  2. MoxxyMay

    Incubator out for two hours on hatching day (quail)

    Hi guys, I had four hatch early but none have hatched overnight despite this being hatching day for my little quail eggs. (Day 17 ticked overvroeg day 18 at 6pm so about 12 hours ago now). i discovered on waking that my incubator was off and cold - I must have stepped on the powerboard switch...
  3. ally1327

    Broody Hen and Hatching Day!

    Hi all, Today is day 21 under a first-time broody hen (oh, the excitement!!) She is just a baby herself (hatched in April) so we weren't expecting much from her. Although I'm not sure we should have, we picked her up this morning to see if anything was happening and sure enough, one of the eggs...
  4. F

    Hatch day!

    Hi, this is my first time hatching duck eggs, or any eggs for that matter! Today is day 28 and I’m starting to get a little nervous as there is no movement or pips or anything g yet in any of my 5 eggs. I have read a lot about ducks being slow so I’m trying to keep calm. I candle all 5 on day 25...
  5. FoodFreedomNow

    Hatching day!!

    The first chick is out...and so tired. Just 17 more to go. :wee
  6. chloeonz

    Last Unhatched egg sticky all over, hen still sitting

    Hi again, So going on from my last post, we’ve had 4 of 6 eggs hatching under mama hen, one chick hasn’t properly absorbed its yolk so its belly is swollen (on a seperate thread), and this wee one hasn’t hatched at all. Today is 23 days. I was certain I saw the start of a pip yesterday when the...
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