
  1. N

    how old are my duck eggs

    hello i rcently found duck eggs in my yard i have kept them alive and just got a incubator how old do you think they are? any tips on hatching and raising ducklings?
  2. D

    HELP First time hatching! how can I tell ducks position massive saddle air sack & worried PICTURES

    Had 4 shipped eggs 1 didn’t develop & 2 stopped growing day 10 & 12 so this is our last one 😭 anyway it’s had a massive saddle air cell- now seems to be pipping at the sac, is there any way I can tell if it’s in the correct position I can’t tell if the moving bit is it’s bill or wing/ leg. I’ll...
  3. M

    How to tell if fertilized eggs have died?

    I’ve been incubating duck eggs for almost two weeks and have had their temp regulated strictly. I have a thermometer in with them, and when I came home today, it was at 104 degrees f , which according to what I have researched, kills the embryo. I’ve put so much work into this and I have no idea...
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