head bobbing

  1. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    Cute Hen does weird head bob/sway a lot.

    Hello. This isn't an emergency, just a casual question. Majestic the Easter Egger hen is strangley swaying her head alot. She has started doing this in the last 5 days. I have a video of her doing it since it's hard to explain. She does it every few minutes then she's completely fine. :) 😀...
  2. Lechugapicante

    Older hen with neurological symptoms

    Hi BC friends! I’ve got a 7 yo Copper Maran having neurological symptoms. Over a couple weeks I’ve noticed her standing off by herself more and being a little clumsy. Yesterday I noticed an odd head bobbing behavior, like she’s caught in a loop. She’s uncoordinated and seems like she can’t see...
  3. K

    Help, new duck mom with 2 sick ducks

    Hello, I am a new duck mom, they are only 2 months old. Justice is acting like she drunk, she wobbles excessively and she bobs her head back-and-forth. She’s been losing your balance standing and while she tries to groom her self. She’s been eating and drinking just fine. This has been going on...
  4. R

    Top heavy, drunk, or sick?

    I have googled help until my fingers cramped up! From the get-go, my duckling CONSTANTLY sways head side to side, almost in a figure 8 movement. I’ve read it that it could be niacin deficiency, some sort of toxic illness, or both! She/he swims well, eats from my hand without issues, feeds...
  5. picklestheduck

    Horse been lame for 2 months

    My mare is being seen by the farrier tomorrow. Prayers would be appreciated. She's been lame for over two months now. I'm pretty concerned about her. We have dealt with cellulitis, an abscess, and bad thrush in the front right. I've treated everything and kind of been doing everything possible...
  6. MolliMonster99

    Duck Head Bobbing?

    So, I have noticed my male Runner ducks head bob quite often, which I read is a sign of them being flirty/happy. However, in the videos I've seen of ducks head bobbing, it's repetitive. My guys only do it once, then go back to normal? I've noticed they sometimes do it in sync too. Is this normal...
  7. Chickendad1963

    eye discharge and nodding off

  8. Harun

    Baby Chick Bobbing/twitching her head

    My baby chick who I suspected had gapeworm is now start to jolt her head when falling asleep. Should I be worried? She already seemingly gapes for no reason and now this. Does she have a type of lice? Is there something in her crop/throat bothering her? Is it really gapeworm and is she trying to...
  9. Bigbluefrog

    Rooster does an odd head shake

    our 7 month old rooster is a new addition. He will shake his head and then fluff neck feathers! I checked for mites during the daytime. No black or white bugs present. Skin looks good. I wish I could share this odd head bob via video. He does it once every few minutes. Some injury on his...
  10. LavaDerpy

    Baby Turkey acting and standing weird

    Hi, even though what i have isnt exactly a chicken, a turkey is pretty similar. So this morning I was taking my baby chicks/turkeys out and saw that one was moving its head up and down heavily. I thought nothing of it until, right now when i took them out to eat, the same baby turkey was now...
  11. E

    Help! Pekin duck tilts head

    We recently got a Female white pekin duck. Around 4-5months old. We got her around a week ago (September 21st) and since then everytime she walks she tilts her head side to side. She has been showing this since September 22nd. We thought maybe she would stop after a few days but she has not. Our...
  12. Jemima Duck

    Female duck problems

    So I have a male Runner, and two Female runners. I bought one of my females (Jemima) and my male from one breeder, and then the other female (Juliét) from a different breeder. When introducing the new runner a few months ago, everything went perfectly, they got on instantly! The new duck soon...
  13. WildestThing

    Turkey with strange posture and head ducking

    My female Bourbon Red is not looking good. I lost two to this same thing last year. She stands very upright and bobs her head. Someone said it could be Coccidia. I treated the flock last week, but there's still signs of it in the run. We live in Hawaii, and it's very warm and wet here. If...
  14. Aryetheral Waalburgus

    Should Head-Flicking be a worry?

    My bantam has been flicking her head a lot lately and also her head is looking a bit pale. Her comb is purple because it's been dyed with gentian violet. Here's a video of the flicking. Should I be worried?
  15. B

    Help! Is this Marek's disease?

    We got a couple of new pullets two days ago, and one of them seems odd. She nods her head up and down a lot when sleeping, but not when she's awake. She also has very laboured breathing when sleeping. I googled the symptoms and I am now terrified she could have Marek's disease. She has light...
  16. Silkiechickie13

    Please help! My hen has empty crop and is bobbing her head around

    Hi all, I have a silkie hen who I love and last night I went to check on them and she was separate from everyone else just sitting there rocking back and forth sort of almost like she could not balance. She did not even cause a ruckus when i picked her up like she usually does lol. She seemed...
  17. bugawk

    Sick Hen nodding head

    Please help me take fast action to figure out what is wrong with Sherrilya the hen! She sits all day except moved spots 3 times yesterday. She has an empty crop. She will hardly eat, but drinks a lot. She is wobbly if she tries to stand up. Her head nods up and down, hinged at the neck, more...
  18. dehowery

    head bobbing

    We have 2 new 2 1/2 month old ameraucana chickens one of them "thelma" is doing something I have not seen the other hens do... Head Bobbing then she looks like she might throw up ? Is anyone familiar with this behavior. She seems to be very healthy and they both eat like pigs. ????
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