heat hardy

  1. Kylo_Hen!

    Heat Hardy Goose Breeds?

    Hey guys, I'm looking at maybe getting a goose to protect my hen, however, I have seen a lot of people saying geese are not heat-hardy. I live in a place where winter rarely goes over 40 degrees and lasts maybe 2 months, and the summers can get well into 100 degrees Fahrenheit. If I do get a...
  2. AndreaR4

    Best Southern Missouri Breeds

    Hi! I'm moving to Southern Missouri and I'm wondering what breeds to raise, do I look for cold hardy or heat hardy chickens? I love Orpingtons, Wyandottes, Ameraucaunas, Speckled Sussex, but am wondering if they fit best further North? Thanks!
  3. YaYasDottes

    Wyandotte Hens and Summer Heat/Humidity

    I am an expectant Wyandotte mama and have concerns about the hens surviving the heat and humidity here in the Cincinnati area. Summer temps average 85-upper 90s, beginning in May. It is always humid from late spring until fall. Should I move forward with my plan to keep Wyandottes or choose a...
  4. HCBeck

    Cold-Hardy or Heat-Hardy more important?

    I'm new to raising chickens and had a question about which breeds to order. If I live in a climate (I'm in Maryland) that can get down to the teens regularly in the winter and also into the 90's regularly in the summer, should I be looking for a cold-hardy or heat-hardy chicken? I assumed...
  5. samzoost

    Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Chicks? + Breed Questions

    Hello all! I'm buying 4 week old chicks this Saturday, and I want to make sure I have everything ready to make sure they're stress free and happy when they get home. I've been seeing a lot about giving chicks apple cider vinegar/garlic/water in their waterer, and I was wondering: 1. Why? and 2...
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