heating element

  1. Heartsopenwide

    When to use heater panels

    What temperatures do I need to consider a panel heater for my coop? Which product do you recommend? I am in Northern California on the coast, but inland; we occasionally get snow. Mostly stays in the 40s at night in the winter, but can drop into the 30s. I often have to put a towel on my car...
  2. HELP - my incubator won’t heat!!!

    HELP - my incubator won’t heat!!!

    I’ve got one of the China made incubators that I hope someone can help me with. It won’t get hot enough. It won’t get above about 86 degrees. I’ve put 2 brand new heating elements in it but it hasn’t helped a bit. Can you tell me what else I need to look at? It’s like the one in the pic. I...
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