#help # #breed

  1. ssample4


    Alright, I really need some insight from some people that will totally not judge. So 1st and foremost, I am going to say... if there are hateful/nastiness about my daughter's bird, I will not be a happy momma. She is so proud of him. It is amazing how so many grown adults can be "keyboard...
  2. joshschickenflock

    Help!! Any Guesses?!

    Need help on these two birds breed
  3. T

    Help again! What breed is this chick!!

    Same order of rare assortment chicks from mcmurray and this little guy has me confused. Anyone have any ideas?
  4. T

    Help! What breed is this chick!?

    Hi! I ordered chicks from McMurray hatchery and I got the rare breed assortment, it’s always fun figuring out the breeds but some have me stumped, they look like one breed but also look like another! Any ideas?
  5. T

    What chick breed is this??

    I got these chicks in today from McMurray hatchery, I got the rare breed assortment. Does anyone have an idea of what this chick might be?
  6. ellieV03

    Natural incubation in button quails

    Hi everyone, this is my first post on here because I need some insight from someone more experienced than me in this "field". I have two button quails (male and female), they are now a little over two years old, but just about 6 days ago the female became broody. She kind of tried in the past...
  7. M

    Help identifying new chicks

    Picked up these sweet babies from the local feed store today in an assorted pullet bin, hatchery choice. We've been looking up but are not 100% on the breed of these two chicks. We would love some help to identify our mystery babies and hear some guesses :) Thanks!
  8. ColeTrain425

    I need help understanding when my royal palm Tom turkey mates with my red bourbon hen and has baby Turks what will they come out as??????

    I need help you guys I am a new turkey owner and wanting to raise them! I have a royal palm Tom and a red bourbon hen. I’ve read several articles, but I’m not completely understanding! My question is , what will the babies come out to be from my royal palm tom and red bourbon hen?
  9. C

    Is my “hen” a rooster ?

    We were supposed to get a white Cochin hen but this is not that. We don’t know what gender this is and it’s starting to look like a rooster to me, but Im not an expert and I have no idea if it is a rooster or a hen please help
  10. H

    What gender are my chickens??? Lots of pictures

    Lavender orpington buff What gender is it 🤔 I have no idea I think this is a black copper not 100% sure tho No idea what breed or gender is 😭 This one is a Russian no idea what gender it is I think this one is a mix Breed Lavender orpington buff I think this one is spectacled not sure...
  11. ShaliniW1985

    Animal sanctuary

    So I live on a medium sized farm, and I own a few rare breeds here. I love my birds. I mean I love them. I don’t sell them, I don’t butcher them, and I ethically collect and sell their eggs. I own two goats, ducks, chickens, quail, and one turkey. Ive been trying to breed some of the these rare...
  12. Raysal

    What chicken breed is my rooster

    I have this miniature rooster and I've done research but can't find the exact breed I've seen bantam roosters but I can't find one similar to mine help!
  13. F

    Help! Breed and gender question

    Greetings! I am new to raising chickens and would greatly appreciate feedback on a few questions...in April I bought some chicks from a local vendor. I chose 9 pullets, 3 of which were Speckled Sussex. I was really excited to have this breed. It soon became apparent that one was definitely a...
  14. txflowers4527

    Help please!!!!

    I have 4 chickens I don’t know what gender they are or breed any guesses they are 10 weeks old
  15. B

    What gender and breed is this?

    Hi,a couple months back we found 2 chicks in our garage waddling around. We kept them and cared for them sadly one chick died. We never figured out what breed or gender they were and would really appreciate any help. We want to bring a hen home to keep it company but first want to figure this...
  16. emmakate

    help: bonding with chicks

    when my three older chickens were little they would follow me around like i was their mom. now i have two new chicks that i’ve had for about a week and they don’t follow me. what do i do
  17. M

    Need a little help.

    I recently bought these chickens. They all came from the same momma bird. Two are older than the other 2. Cannot determine the breed. Was also told all 4 were female.
  18. DatCrazyChickenLady

    What breed is this?

    Does anyone know what breed this chicken is?
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