help naming

  1. PBAndAlice

    Name Suggestions for 7-9 week olds

    Wasn't sure if this was the right category but oh well. We have 3 chicks, two 6 weeks and one 8 week. I think. They grow up so fast... But the girls need names before they grow up! The red one #3 already has a name (Stella), but the silver lace Wyandotte #1 and the black sex link (??) #3 both...
  2. awiswell2001

    Help name my farm

    hi everyone :frow I’ve been trying to think of a creative name for my small hobby farm for over a year now. Hoping some of your creative minds can help me! A little background that will help. I have a small flock of chickens (<20), a few small goats , 2 bunnies , dogs and a cat (2 young sons...
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