hen or cockrel

  1. L

    I think she is a he!!!

    I purchased 4 hens from a nearby chicken enthusiast. We believed all four to be pullets. She told me if we were wrong I could always take a roo back to her. The sweetest girl of them all who would let you hold her and was just sooooo loving I named Sweet Girl (was out of original names). This...
  2. L

    Almost 9 weeks old Black Australorp. Pullet or Roo?

    Hen or Roo? Will be 9 weeks old on August 22nd
  3. L

    Is this a 9 week old Leghorn Rooster?

    I have no idea if this is a rooster or a leghorn because he/she reddened up quickly and I didn't think leghorns were a breed tractor supply had offered at the time but it looks so much like one. It is 9 weeks old and super friendly but I see the tail feathers arching a bit and that comb and...
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