hens fighting

  1. Chick3nLover

    Two Hens Raised Together NOW FIGHTING AGGRESSIVELY….

    Hi there!👋 I have two, 2 year old hens whom I raised together and have always been fine, even friendly with each other, until about 2 weeks ago. My Buff Orpington had gotten a head injury and I had to isolate her for about 2 weeks while it healed. I had her in a separate coop but still in the...
  2. B

    Broody Rhode Island Red with mean sisters!!

    One of my RIR's has FINALLY become broody - she's been sitting on the nest for about a week now. I was ecstatic when I realized what was happening, because they have been great egg layers, but this is the first time any of my hens have been broody!! The problem is, her sisters keep trying to run...
  3. CackleBabies

    Hens Fighting

    Two hens who have been flock mates for 2 years now have suddenly started fighting each other. We separated them several times and they seem to draw straight back into a fight, drawing blood. A little background: We tried several times this summer to hatch eggs and 4 of my 6 hens were...
  4. B

    Hens won't integrate.

    Hello all, I have a small flock of four that I raised from tiny chicks. Back in May I "rescued" a small flock of three adult hens. I isolated them for three months while we added on to the run. Then I kept them separate in the run for another month. I finally put the newbies in the coop one...
  5. A

    Post-Broody Hen being beaten up

    Hi everyone, I've had chickens for four years now and through disease and old age have four hens left; A Black Australorp, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, and Buff Orpington. My Australorp and Rock have been there the longest, and the Red and Buff came more than a year ago now. My Buff was...
  6. khiggins1112


    How long can I keep 8 chickens locked up in coop? I have a neighbor that will come over to provide food/water but worried about letting them free range all day when no one is at home, they get adventurous! I worry that locking them up all week would result in peeking and unhappy chickens. Any...
  7. Shewholovesducks

    Will ducks share ducklings???

    Hi I've only been keeping ducks 1 year, I have 3 khaki hens, 1 khaki drake, and 1 golden cascade hen. I was told ducks only get broody when they turn 2 but all my ducks except 1 khaki got broody hid and hatched out ducklings, each 1 week apart. The first khaki hatched 4 and I penned them in...
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