houdan chicks

  1. M

    Sexing Houdans

    I have two mottled Houdan chicks and I’ve noticed that they’re developing differently. Still hoping they could both be girls but what do you think? Breeder says it could just be a difference in growth rates. She hasn’t been able to successfully sex these until about 4 or 5 weeks. Fuzz butt at...
  2. Rosto

    Houdan Hangout

    Let’s gather together all the Houdan lovers and work together to get them off the critical list! Let’s talk about Houdans! What they are like. What’s your plans for breeding? Showing? Pictures and advice. Absolutely everything about Houdans! As for me just ordered 25 from a hatchery. I know...
  3. 7EEBDA7D-BABA-4170-92BC-0D85426E6C83.jpeg


    Houdan pullet
  4. Jessi.Smith

    Sexing Houdan Chicks

    I have two Houdan chicks that are 6 1/2 weeks old. Little D is the first pic and Big D is the second (for the dots on their heads when they were tiny). At first I thought we had one of each sex because one feathered faster than the other. But now, I am not sure. They both have waddles and...
  5. mybackyardhobbyfarm

    Meet my chicks

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