injury bird

  1. B

    Injured duck with swollen chest

    My female duck recently has gotten a very swollen chest that touches her beak, it affects her quality of life as its hard to eat and drink. Her tail also touches the ground and so does her lower abdomen. Please help.
  2. B

    duck injured and isnt walking right

    My duck has been walking very slowly and her chest seems swollen. Her tail also touches the ground while walking. Please help I don’t know why she is like this now. This started recently out of no where. This has affected the way she grooms herself and it made her unable to sit down.
  3. Lauren84

    Bruised beak

    Hello, My 6 month old Indian Runner Custard got her beak stuck in the run whilst I was at work. She has red bruising and a graze below it from where her beak was stuck. I have put Vetericyn spray on it. She is still foraging happily but I’m worried that she might hurt her beak more when its...
  4. Moricha

    Chicken possibly injured, breathing heavily. Injury or possible gape worm? Please help, any ideas welcome.

    Hello all, One of my girls has either gotten injured or come down with something- or both. EDIT: Video link of panting: Penny is (I believe) a 3 month old hen and her breed is… to be honest, I’m not sure. I was only told she is an olive egger and I have had for for a month now. She is not...
  5. RooRuhRooRuhROOOO

    Injured leg on young bantam hen

    So my young (6 months old) bantam hen is quite lame on her left front — this photo was taken prior to injury. There is swelling on the top side of her foot the size of a small gumball at the joint where the toes meet ( ankle?). I have her confined but other than finding an poultry vet does...
  6. KatieG509

    Pecking led to a skin issue

    Hello! We have a 1 year old dark Brahma who was being pecked pretty badly by her flock mates. She has a pretty large bald patch on her back and around her vent. The area near her vent is pretty red, and while applying Vaseline and peck no more today I noticed a hard white lump (see the third...
  7. emmabellybutton

    Bumble foot? Mysterious scab, help!!

    Hi everyone, I have a little mule baby girl (half muscovy, half magpie duck) named Eagle who had a scab develop on her big foot pad. I'll post some photos. Last night I gave her a warm epsom salt soak for 30 mins and the scab popped off with some effort, only a tiny pin prick of blood that...
  8. B

    Chicken eye injury

    One of my chickens was recently attacked by a dog, dog got her head through her fence, which injured the area around her eye. We separated her from the other six but when I came out the next day she was in the main roost and the area around her eye was swollen up so I brought her inside to see...
  9. RedDogChick

    Advice for treating severe head injury from pecking <pics>

    Thanks for all the advice I've gleaned so far from this community, now I have some specific questions. This is my first time raising chickens, and overnight/morning of Sep4-5, one of my youngest pullets was savagely attacked by 2 oldest layers. Injured bird (Copper) is isolated from 5 other...
  10. Yucky_ducky_kentucky

    Ripped skin on chicken! Help! What should I do?

    My chicken got attacked my a rooster, it’s skin is ripped. Happened last night and today it’s swollen a lot and half the face is swollen next to it. Cleaned it with vet spray and water and put silver oxide on it (that’s why the color is strange). Is there anything else I can do? Should I bring...
  11. BooRadleyThe Pigeon

    Rescued Feral Pigeon Leg ankle hyper extension HELP!

    Hello friends and fowls! I am new here but have been reading your boards online for a while now. I rescued a young pigeon ( approx 25 days old) about 6 months ago who had been attacked by a dog (?) Mos of her tail feathers were ripped out and was missing 7 flight feathers from her left...
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