intagrating chicks

  1. SaltLakeChickenMama

    Rehoming a young roo - timing during integration

    I’m trying to decide if its a good time to rehome my little guy. I have 4 two month old chicks that I’m working on integrating into a flock of 4 year old hens. Turns out 1 (maybe 2) of my chicks is a roo. One has definitely found his voice. Unfortunately, I can’t have Roos in my city so I have...
  2. L

    How do I integrate my 7 week old pullets?

    Hello, newish chicken mom here. I have a 10 sixteen week old chickens (2 roosters, 8 hens) and 11 7 week old pullets. We have a large coop and run, at night the older chickens stay in the coop and the babies are still in their brooder box, which is in the foyer of the coop. During the day, the...
  3. KatiewithZena

    I want my 11 silkie chicks to join the flock in the coop at night

    Hello fellow chicken lovers. I am talking about only silkies here. I have an original flock of 1 rooster and 2 hens, and 1 of those hens has 2, 2 week old chicks. I also have 11, 6 week old chicks that I hatched in incubator. They have been outside in a fenced off coop of their own for the past...
  4. J

    Integrating my new chicks into flock

    Hi there! This is my first real post so please bear with me as I figure out this site. I am posting pics of my setup. Large coop with automatic door to large 16'X16' run. My one year old mixed flock (11 hens) free range when we open the Run human door each day. I have 5 one month old chicks I...
  5. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Chick integration while free ranging

    Hello, We have 10 - 10 week old chickens that free range. They were kept in a enclosed area but once they ate all the vegetation they started flying over so we decided to start free ranging since we have 40 acres of deep woods and we’re in constant battle with the growth we decided let’s have...
  6. CHlCKEN

    Are they ready YET?

    I’m super impatient to getting my little girls mixed with my big girls. I’ve been wanting a bigger flock for a while now and I just want it to happen already! The big thing is I’m wanting to do a coop Reno for them but I need to take my separation wall down first. I just need to make sure I’m...
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