intestinal issues

  1. KristinKH

    Are these worms or something else?

    I got these from the back end of a 2 year old Whiting True Blue. She's been acting off the last few days - sleeping apart from the rest of the flock, slow to come out of the coop in the mornings and slow to come for food and treats, and a very messy back end. Are these worms or something else...
  2. Relleoms

    Unwell hen-poop pics included

    Hi all, thank you in advance for your help. One week ago I brought in a 10 month old hen after finding green poop on the dropping board a number of mornings. She weighs just over 6 pounds and it’s remained relatively unchanged. She drinks excessively but has only been eating raw eggs and very...
  3. Goosebaby

    Open mouth breathing and stomach issues

    My gander Roxby is having issues again. He’s been off and on ill since March with some sort of recurrent neurological issue. As of August I seemed to have finally got a handle on whatever it was by treating him and the rest of the flock for coccidia and a gram positive bacteria “the vet wasn’t...
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