jersey cow

  1. Ms Rose

    Jersey Heifer with Possible Teat Issue

    Does anyone here have any jersey cows? I’m new to cattle and got two jersey heifers (half sisters) in June. About 6 weeks or so ago I caught the younger one who is about 8 1/2 months old nursing on the older heifer who is almost 2 years old. My partner and I are are in the middle of building a...
  2. Kristen D

    What's your favorite milk cow breed?

    Hey everybody! Just wondering what everybody's favorite milk cow breed, and why? Also curious about jersey cow prices in different areas for bred, breeding age, and babies?
  3. mebuff daisy

    Jersey Cow Info

    Hello All~ I am looking into purchasing jersey cow from a commercial dairy. We would be pasturing her, and though we have raised cattle before, never had to transition from grain to grass. I would appreciate any advice from someone who has done this before. We would be keeping her on some...
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