keel bone protruding

  1. S

    Thin chicken in otherwise healthy flock

    Hi everyone! First time posting, but I've looked around and seen similar questions but not exactly the same, so wondering if anyone has any thoughts on my chicken. I'm raising a mixed flock of 6-hens in my backyard, they're about 5-months old now (not laying yet - so can't evaluate whether my...
  2. 175Rivahgil

    My Duck's (Hen) Keel bone/ Chest bone exposed with large hole .....Help!

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Pekin, 1.5 years, maybe 6-7 lbs by feel, but will check tomorrow. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. She's eating and drinking ok, bright, responsive, & alert. BUT THERE IS HUGE HOLE ABOUT...
  3. Lady Hermione

    Keel Bone Protruding Walking Like Penguin

    Hoping you might be able to help me figure out what might be going on with my silver spangled hamburg hen. She has been walking penguin like for about a week. This happened all of a sudden however a few days previous I noticed some matting of poop. No other symptoms. I gave her a warm...
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