kitchen scraps

  1. The Scrap Bucket - a MUST for every chicken keeper

    The Scrap Bucket - a MUST for every chicken keeper

    "How do you walk through all this stuff? Your coop is a mess!" A family member of mine said as he stepped carefully between corn cobs and orange peels. "No it isn't," I replied, "you just have to know where to step. You're walking right through where I dump the scraps!" A scrap bucket...
  2. UrbanHenKW123

    Feeding kitchen scraps

    I’m wondering how everyone feeds their chickens kitchen scraps or treats? Mine tend to pick it up and throw it around the run which is sand. Wondering if anyone has any gadgets they’ve created to try to keep the food in one spot ?
  3. RainForestBird

    Picky Chicks and Kitchen Scraps

    My chickens have been raised on chick starter, flock raiser and gamebird and poultry feed. They also forage in my yard which has lots of grasses and seeds that I sow for fodder. However, when it comes to eggshells, fresh fruits and veggies and frozen peas and corn, they turn up their beaks. I've...
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