
  1. Shimmerpuppy

    My black soldier fly larvae smell

    Hey everyone, My bsf bin is up and running like gang busters. Somehow I'm breeding some different types of beetles too. That was unintentional, but the chickens love it, so I'm gonna let it ride. When I pull my catchment bins to feed the larvae to the chickens there is a distinct apple cider...
  2. Mariakoltsa

    Stringy bits in chicken water. Larvae or parasites?

    Never had my chicken water dish look like that. Drained water out to get a closer picture but still says nothing to me. Seeing that my chickens are having health issues i want to make sure these are just some bug larvae or eggs not chicken parasites. Kindest regards
  3. Patiocoturnix

    Pest or darkling beetles+mealworms?

    Ok I’m not sure but I just went to turn my soul in my quail cages I found some beetles that look kinda like darkling beetles and some larvae that look like tiny mealworms. -I did throw a bunch of meal worms in there about a month ago I turn the soil every 2-5 days as needed and scoop and add...
  4. devinpaige

    small larvae/worms found when giving chicken an epsom salt bath…help!

    Hello all…I’m a long time reader, but first time poster. I created an account just for this question specifically because I am stumped. This week, one of my hens took a sudden decline. She lost weight, stopped eating, became lethargic and listless, and hasn’t been laying eggs. Her poop has...
  5. Space Coast Mealworms

    For Sale: Mealworm Pupae Sifting Trays

    If you're like me, you have a mealworm farm at home to help feed your birds. You've done lots of research and have decided to hand-pick your pupae from the worms so they aren't cannibalized. At first it was fun and even therapeutic, but now it has become a tiring chore. If you don't keep up with...
  6. B

    What larvae to feed my chickens?

    i have 10 chickens, 7 isa browns, 2 pekin bantams and welsummer rooster. I am wanting to grow and harvest a larvae for them to eat for extra protein. I have heard meal worms are good and black soldier fly larvae. But where would I purchase them, and how do I look after them etc. thanks for all...
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