late chick

  1. Henora

    Chicken egg day 24 and peeping

    Hi, I incubated 6 eggs, and 5 hatched on Day 21 (this past Fri) with first external pips at 2am to last hatched by 10:30pm. Three eggs were from my Buff hen (all Orpington), and the last one left is a Buff. While the other hatchlings were dried and fluffy, this one still had veins visible. It...
  2. Z

    Egg dark and solid when candled but a little late to hatch?

    So one of the eggs hatched 1-2ish days early and the other is due to hatch today but there are no signs it has pipped yet (small crack or peeping) but when candled it looks like it should for day 21 (solid dark except for the air bubble) which is why we were confident it would hatch. Is it...
  3. amynw

    Help!!!! Momma attacking late hatching egg

    Hello! I have a broody momma who had 5 chicks hatch 3 days ago. One externally pipped today, just when we were about to give up. When momma saw it, she started pecking the egg aggressively and kicked pine shavings all over it and drew blood, I’m assuming from the blood vessels on the shell. I...
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