laying box

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    Marcelo, prefers to lay her eggs behind the coffee maker, so I made her a washable, quilted nesting pad. And, yes, I do sanitize after she's been up there.
  2. AmberLittlejohn

    Laying/Nesting Boxes

    I have a flock of 14 hens (black copper Maran, Orpington bantam, EEs and OEs) and 2 ducks. Right now I have a double laying box, two singles, and a large communal laying box. I want to divide the communal box up because the hens only like the divided ones but will occasionally use the communal...
  3. ssmerritt51

    Nesting boxes

    Do the nesting boxes need to be in a privacy setting? I was told that they want privacy when laying.
  4. DuckMama9

    Where do ducks like to lay their eggs?

    My ducks are still very young and not going to be laying for another ten weeks or so, but I am wondering if I will need to provide them some kind of laying box or prepare a special nesting or laying area? Please tell me about and/or post a picture of your ducks' laying area.
  5. SuburbanWyandottes

    My chickens aren’t roosting

    Good morning! My family and I are raising our first flock. We have 4 Wyandotte’s (2 gold laced, 2 silver). They are about 14 weeks old, but still not using their roosting bars, and are sleeping in the laying boxes. I know they will start laying in the next 4-6 weeks, how do I break this...
  6. M

    Separate laying box house?

    Hi folks, I’m new here! I am currently exploring options of expanding my coop so I can add more to my flock. I’m thinking it would be easier to build a separate area attached to my run that only houses laying boxes. This way I would have more room in my main coop if I removed the laying boxes...
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