leghorn chickens

  1. M

    I’m new!

    Hey there everyone! We have recently started backyard chicken farming and officially got our first egg yesterday! I’m so proud of our girls, we got them as babies. It’s been so fun to raise them and teach our kids such important skills. They have helped every step along the way from construction...
  2. Unwittingchickenlady

    Jailbreak at the Funny Farm

    Today my wonderful, neurotic little tribe of dinos decided to execute the perfect breakout. Patiently, and with great calculation they waited for their water refill to show me I hadn't shut the pen door enough. I was stuck keeping the bottom spout blocked with a thumb because I've lost the cap...
  3. Hy-Line Layers

    Hy-Line Layers

    Hy-Line International is a world leader in poultry layer genetics with a rich history of innovation. Founded in 1936, by Henry A. Wallace, Hy-Line was the first poultry breeding company to apply the principles of hybridization to commercial layer breeding. Today, it is not only the world's...
  4. 8E9C5BB6-982F-4EC2-BEA6-B9C2E8F36930.jpeg


    Leghorn being so gentle taking the grass from her hand
  5. Scissors65

    Lost my Hen today, so heartbroken

    I just had to share, none of my non chicken owning friends would understand. I am a new chicken owner. I got my first four chickens in April 2019. Two Leghorns: Opal and Pearl and Two New Hampshire: Ruby and Scarlet. I let my girls out when I got home from work to free range the fenced in...
  6. Scissors65

    Aggressive Leghorn, What can I do now?

    Advise please! I'm sorry this is a little long. I have a Leghorn hen (Pearl) 21 weeks old. She started laying a little over two weeks ago and her sister (Opal) started laying one week earlier, and they lay everyday. I also have two New Hampshires. Pearl loves my attention. She has actually...
  7. K

    Advice on raising an Exchequer Leghorn chick- Is slower development normal?

    I have a flock of 7 chicks who are all about 1 week old (1 died in the mail ). They are: easter eggers, a golden laced wyandotte, a lavender and a buff orpington, the leghorn, and a black australorp. All except the Leghorn have just about doubled in size. My Leghorn seems to eat and drink, but...
  8. K

    Exchequer Leghorn chick HALF the size of my other 6 chicks?! Due to size difference or crossbeak?

    Hi Everyone, I’m new to posting but have been reading your threads for weeks, preparing for my first flock of 8 chicks. One died in the mail, which was heartbreaking, and I’m not sure if I’m being hyper sensitive about the others out of fear of losing another. PLEASE- any advice you have would...
  9. Audreyschickens

    Leghorn chicken laying at 3 months!!

    Here is my leghorn chicken, Peep! We got her along with 5 other chicks back in late August. We also have 5 other hens who have been laying for 2 1/2 months. Peep has been squatting and sitting in the nesting boxes for a week or so and I have assumed it’s because she wants to be like her older...
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