
  1. F

    Breeders in the U.K. that ship chicks?

    Hi there, I can’t seem to find any breeders that ship chicks in the U.K., I don’t drive so it’s difficult for me to collect as I live in london and there really isn’t any places I can get to from here that sell chicks. Please let me know if you know any places selling and delivering. I’m looking...
  2. S

    First hatch!

    Soon to have 30 chicks available!🤞These little ones will be looking for a new brooder around February 25th. They are a barnyard mix. Roosters are a Black Copper Maran and an Ameraucana. Hens are Easter egger, Skilkie, ISA brown, Legbar x American, Legbar × leghorn, and Amreucana x sex link...
  3. paigeber

    PLEASE SIGN! Petition London, Ontario Chicken & Waterfowl Laws

    Hello! I live in London, Ontario, & im hoping if you all have a couple seconds to sign this petition. I am very actively trying to talk with city council to make them amend these laws as the last time this was brought up in 2017, talks of a pilot project never got off...
  4. S

    6 Indian runner ducklings in London, UK (NW67DX)

    Hi, We have 6 Indian runner ducklings, 5 hatched 1.5 week ago and one 3 weeks ago. As we are keeping 3 adults as pets we are looking to give them away to a someone who can look after them.
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