losing weight

  1. MissGreenJeans

    Molting chicken not completely emptying crop

    Hi, everyone, Hoping for some advice. I have a 2.5-year-old Ameraucana hen named Sunny Side Up who’s been going through a hard molt. She feels thin and appears to have lost weight. About a week ago, I noticed that she was spending some of her day looking puffed up and squinty eyed—like she felt...
  2. J

    Chicks act hungry but refuse to eat anything I give them.

    I have a flock of 12 chicks (5 of them are 2 months old and 7 of them are 1 - 1 1/2 months old) and some of them have just stopped eating. They continue to act hungry and as if they want to eat—reaching their heads out of the coop to peck at the grass, scratching at the food I give them, coming...
  3. C

    Help! Sick chicken since August! Keeps laying down, losing weight, not laying, lethargic

    A little backstory: I have a Lavender Orpington hen that was born June 2019. She was vaccinated for Mereks by the hatchery before being shipped. On September 2020 she was attacked by a wild animal and survived bites on her back and neck. With a lot of TLC, she was better and acting normal with...
  4. K

    Glad to be here. Need help!

    I had chickens when I was little, but I wasn't the one caring for them. I have now hand raised 3 pullets, 2 of which have just started laying. I got them a rooster from auction today and the poor guy looks a little worse for the wear. He's a silkie with a very large comb and it lays over one...
  5. D

    Losing Feathers, Losing Weight, Pale Comb...Mites?

    Our sweet girl Lava Lilly (don't even ask...my kids named her) feels like she's been losing weight, has had a pale comb, & has been losing feathers under her vent and now on her belly and under her wings. She's an 8-month-old we got from our local farm store. No idea what her breed is, because...
  6. C

    Handicap Pekin

    We have a pekin that’s newly handicapped. She’s kept inside in a play pen so she has soft bedding. She’s not able to walk anymore but is able to get around her room and has 24/7 access to food and water. In the last 6 weeks she has lost 2 pounds. Her appetite is perfect, no change at all. Her...
  7. Goosebaby

    Gander losing weight, pale beak

    I’m reposting here at the suggestion of others. My 7 year old gander has a pale beak and is losing weight. He is a French Toulouse. His apatite seems fine, he’s eating a lot his food is digested, no whole bits passing through. No blood in his droppings Droppings are brown and a little watery. I...
  8. Goosebaby

    Gander losing weight, pale beak

    I made a post before but it went unnoticed, so I guess I’ll try again. My 7 year old gander has a pale beak and is losing weight. His apatite seems fine, he’s eating a lot his food is digested, no whole bits passing through. No blood in his droppings Droppings are brown and a little watery. I...
  9. divineangel94

    Losing weight?

    I didn't know where to post this but I have a hen, Shadow, who is literally scared of her own shadow. She runs away anytime anyone goes near her. I've noticed she's been losing weight and when I give her food out of my hands she pecks at it like she's starving. She has no disease symltoms. Any...
  10. Haleyrbloom

    Worming and Scale Mites

    Hi! I am a 6-month chicken owner. 4 out of the 9 chickens are now laying. The others should be in the next coming weeks. My chickens are eating a ton of feed and I give them herbs, produce and live mealworms. They have huge crops at the end of the night, but they are losing weight. Their...
  11. LittlePigeon

    Coccidosis in Chickens? Or not?

    Hi everybody. New chicken mama here. I got my girls around 10 weeks old and now they're about 26 weeks old (we're guessing. One of my orps just started laying.) However, I've got one dark brahma that I'm concerned about. She started acting differently around 2 and a half weeks ago. She was...
  12. P

    Crop Feeding Sick Hen, Losing Wt, Slow Crop, Liquid from Beak, Wiggling Neck

    Hi Everyone, I've been a long time lurker on this website due to the awesome information and helpfulness of the community. Unfortunately, my first post is an emergency. I've searched many pages and can't nail this down. :he I don't want time to run out on my sweet hen. :fl Please pardon the...
  13. JMotuzick

    Egg bound pullet?

    These are not the best pictures but this is my BR pullet (she’s a late bloomer, I think anyhow). She has been standing in the nesting box a lot lately, even at mid day with everyone else outside. She is eating for sure, as I’ve seen her, her crop seams softish. She is up and moving around and...
  14. slukeplass22

    Chicken Losing Weight

    Over the past week or so one of my two Buff Orpingtons has been losing weight. She is the biggest chicken I've ever had and was probably 8 pounds (beak to tail she is ~14") earlier. Now she weighs less, her keel bone is out by an inch, and I can feel her two breastbones. Below is a bunch of...
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