managing flock

  1. R

    Possible Eye Problem At a Hatchery.s Farm?

    Does anyone know any details about a hatchery that may possibly have a current problem with an eye problem in started pullets? I was scheduled to receive a pullet but shipping of that specific breed was halted until state vet tests were available. The birds are at a distant farm, not at the...
  2. Greystone farm

    Rooster with three hens?

    Hi! I have three three year old Rhode Island Red hens and I recently fell in love with a rooster that was free to take home at a fair. I’m wondering if it would be bad for my hens to bring home the rooster since I only have three and he is much younger than them. He’s a very gentle and big Isa...
  3. Hnowlin12

    Vaxed and no -vaxed??? And new to flock?

    Question(s)… we have 2 8wk old seramas that were vaccinated for Merricks when they were just born from the farm we purchased them from. We are now getting 2 more seramas to add to our flock who are not vaccinated and a few weeks older. (Maybe 3-6?) Anything we should be worried for/look out...
  4. JNC

    Raccoon after ducks. Help needed ASAP!

    I was sitting in my couch when i suddenly hear my ducklings crying like crazy. I am very attached to my ducks so I run outside and find a big raccoon running up a tree very close to where my duck coop is. I have two 8week old ducks and 3 ducklings that are 3 weeks old. The older ones were...
  5. TheBajan

    Changing direction... Changing coop?

    Two years ago we bought our first flock. We built our coop inside our pole barn. The coop itself is 8'x8' with an inside run that is 8'x16'. On the outside of the pole barn their is a partially covered run that goes around the corner of the building and is 11'x35' in one direction and 11'x9'...
  6. ChickenPerson999999

    What duck breed best fits me and my flock?

    I have 8 chickens 4 are Easter Eggers 3 are Easter egger maran mixes 1 is a maran bantam. What duck breeds will be good with my chickens that aren’t too high strung or too flighty or messy. Like a duck breed that does well with chickens but isn’t loud, messy, mean, high strung, scared, and able...
  7. Chicken-Keeping Tips for City Slickers

    Chicken-Keeping Tips for City Slickers

    Those of us new to chickens and living on small city lots aren’t able to follow a lot of traditional chicken-keeping practices. Full-time free-ranging is out, for one, and all the advantages that it offers. So are the benefits of keeping a rooster to guard and guide the flock. And we generally...
  8. CannedMonster

    Advice On Rooster/Flock Management

    I have a situation I need advice on. Currently I have 2 cockerels: Angus- a 10 month old Naked Neck Oliver- a 6 month old Black Australorp Oliver was supposed to be a pullet. He’s completely non-aggressive so I decided to keep him. Both males are in the same coop with 13 girls. 1 hen is...
  9. CannedMonster

    Do They Learn To Bully?

    Do younger birds learn bullying behavior from older birds that do that? I have 27 chickens. I have 2 coops. 4 LF hens (1 year) 2 LF cockerels (4.5 months) 2 LF pullets (4.5 months) 6 bantam pullets (3 months?) 1 bantam Silkie cockerel (4.5 months) 12: 2-3 week old LF chicks (all sexed...
  10. brooder

    Duck Mating

    Hi there, I understand that a lot of people have problems adjusting to the normalcy of forced mating among ducks, however I was hoping someone could give me some advice. I currently have two drakes and two hens (Not how I planned it, I promise!) I noticed that the drakes have begun their process...
  11. J

    1 hen left in flock- how to manage

    I have been raising backyard chickens (production red) for just over three years now (as pets). I only have 2 and today, sadly, I lost one to a predator. I'm not sure what got her but I'm devastated and equally concerned about my remaining girl. I have read that it's best not to only have one...
  12. Dee Dee N Desiree

    Heat Lamp at night & winter?

    Our flock is 7 months now and laying eggs. I use the heat lamp at night in the coop, but not in the roosting area, to keep them warm at night, plus I had read it can keep them calm. I have it on a timer, on at dusk off at dawn. I've been thinking (dangerous), does it affect their sleep and egg...
  13. MjR

    breeding my chicken. using what i have!.

    My two chickens I'd like to breed together. Big red is a new Hampshire. From an auction, and the road island red is from rural king , of Clarksville Tn. My question is can I use these two birds to grow a flock and cont the blood line I get. My plan is to increase size of the road island red...
  14. Gavrocks

    Should I get a Cinnamon Queen?

    I think this is supposed to not be a question, but I am wondering if I should get a Cinnamon Queen. If I should, Where? I already have the coop and the fence around it, feeders, a water dish, a place to lay, and four chickens!
  15. Gavrocks

    info on fences, coops, getting new chicks introduced, and more!

    Hi! I don't know if I'm supposed to post a question, but I'm telling you info. First thing: the fence and coop. Chickens should be in a coop with 2-3 feet of room for each chicken (at least). The coop should provide a safe place to sleep, a place to lay, and a feeder and a water bowl. the coop...
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