marans chicks

  1. 1Crzychknlady

    Calling Marans experts! 3 week old chicks

    My marans purchased as straight run chicks are now 3 weeks old. Pullets or cockerels!? Chick 4 is my splash marans, chick 3 is my blue marans, and chick 2 is our other splash marans.
  2. BrahmasMama02

    Mystery Marans .. Breed? (Hoovers Hatchery)

    Hello, I recently purchased Seven marans from the Maran assortment box at my local Hoovers hatchery dealer. Four of them appear to be black copper marans/ or midnight majesties. One of them having darker feathered feet than the others. The other chicks I’m not so sure (3). They have feathered...
  3. L

    Hen or roo?

    Looking for thoughts on these babies’ gender. They will be 6 weeks on Wednesday and are from a mixed hatch. I am fairly certain the black barred is from my friend’s barred rock male unsure the hen. The other two are from her friend who said they are all Black Cooper Marans. One has the copper...
  4. J

    Chipmunk Marans???

    Hi everyone, I have a small FBCM flock - 1 roo and 3 hens. About 3 weeks ago I exchange Marans eggs with another breeder to incorporate some new blood in the flock. Recently I got a call from said breeder, complaining that 2 of the 20 eggs, hatched completely white chicks. With feathered feets...
  5. AlchemistFarm

    Footage of our first hatch of the season!

    We were so excited for our first hatch we felt like dancing! Want to join the dance party and celebrate with us? Come watch here
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