
  1. Artchickenlover21

    Hen with curled toe paralysis or Marek's disease. Please advise

    My Red Star hen, Rosie, stopped walking a few days ago. She was stumbling around unable to keep her balance. Since then her feet have become completely paralyzed and curled up into fists. She can't walk or sit up, only shift around now and then. Before I continue, I should mention she has been...
  2. C

    Very worried - head shakes/tremors

    I feel defeated and very sad. I had another issue with an Easter egger around 2 months old in the beginning of June. She didn’t make it, but I did not send off for necropsy. I opened her up myself and didn’t have any noticeable tumors but could possibly have had microscopic things I didn’t see...
  3. Dixie0831

    Rapidly Declining Bird -- Paralysis?

    Hello, First of all, thanks for any help. What type of bird, age and weight. She's a buff orpington 12 weeks old, and weighs around 1.5 lbs. Question of FTT due to small size since birth. What is the behavior, exactly. Yesterday afternoon she was behaving normally. I went to bring her into...
  4. F

    4-6 week old chick limping

    Hi All! I am new to raising chickens and my favorite chicken out of our flock has been limping the last 2-3 days. Ive been doing a lot of reading on Mareks and she doesn't seen to have any of the symptoms. She doesn't have bumpy skin, no leg or neck or wing paralysis, her iris are brown and...
  5. R

    Weird Squealing Chicken Noise? Sick?

    Hello, I am a new chicken owner and have a 14 month old chicken. a few days ago she started to make high pitch noises similar to car skids (in my opinion) I have never heard a noise like that from her. She also constantly opens her mouth. (NO STRETCHING, WHISTLING, DISCHARGE OR GAPING) At first...
  6. Liv's chickens

    Chicken with twisted neck and loss of balance

    Hey everyone, I’m hoping I may be able to get some answers here about my chicken. My lovely hen, Millie, has started to become ill, and is getting worse. I let her stay the night inside a couple weeks ago because it was cold out, and another hen wouldn’t stop trying to attack her. She’s around...
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